
What do anemic vegetarians/vegans eat?

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I'm just curious....




  1. Dark green leafy veggies: collard greens, kale, romaine lettuce, spinach.

    Nuts: almonds, walnuts natural peanut butter.

    Fruit: apricots and raisins.

    Beans: black beans, kidney beans, navy beans, etc.

    Cereals, soy/rice milks,  and other products that are fortified with iron.

    It also helps if you have a cast-iron skillet and you cook your foods in that.

  2. There are lots of iron-rich veg*n foods so no veg*n need be anemic unless predisposed to it (plenty of red meat eaters are anemic...)

    Here are some veg*n iron sources:

    Iron-rich foods should be paired with vitamin C-rich foods to enhance absorption.

  3. What DO they eat? Not enough iron. What SHOULD they eat? Green leafy veges like spinach or kale. They're loaded with essential iron.

  4. High-iron veg foods include black beans, bran flakes, cashews, Cream of Wheat, garbanzo beans (chickpeas), GrapeNuts, kidney beans, lentils, navy beans, oatmeal, pumpkin seeds, raisins, soybeans, soymilk, spinach, sunflower seeds, tofu, tomato juice, and whole wheat bread.

  5. um, vegetables, and fruits, and anything else that they want to eat...?

    idk, according to the doctor i go to im a bit anemic anyways (low iron in my blood)

    and being a vegitarian only worsens that.... so i just eat what i want to eat, and take iron supplements...

  6. I'm vegetarian but I've never been anaemic. Nevertheless, I think that when you have anaemia, whether vegetarian or meat eater, doctors give you iron pills. Good vegetarian sources of iron are pulses, dried fruits, cereals, leafy green vegetables. Vitamin C along with these foods increases the absorption of iron. If the diet is well balanced the iron should be all right.Anyway, I've seen people who eat lots of meat with low iron and in need of pills so I think it's more a matter of having the tendency than of food intake.

  7. fortified cereals, pumpkin seeds,soybeans, blackstrap molasses, lesser amounts are in prunes and raisins. the experts say :

    Iron is best absorbed in the intestines with the presence of vitamin c. Also cooking with an Iron skillet increases iron content in the foods cooked in the skillet.

    I have been Vegetarian/Vegan over 34 years.

  8. well im a vegetarian and my doctor thought i was anemic for awhile last year. i still didnt eat meat. he just gave me some iron pills that i took every day.

    and then at my last doctors appointment they tell me "never mind. ur not anemic.". ugh. doctors are annoying sometimes....

  9. The best thing anyone can eat Vegan or not is cream of wheat, it is loaded with iron..

  10. pea soup......maybe......oh but wait they might be vegetarian but apparently the pea soup isnt

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