
What do anthropologist value?

by Guest32847  |  earlier

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For someone to be an anthropologist, or interested in anthropology, what things would they care about? What do they consider important in life?




  1. People, learning, and understanding how and why things are the way they are.

    Yeah, it's a science about people.

  2. It'd be too general for me to say "all anthropologists value [x]", but, at least in my case, the desire to obtain knowledge is pretty key. You have to want to know - where you come from, how you got there, and what the future might hold for you. It's important that you have an interest in humanity also, obviously. Not that you necessarily LIKE humanity, but that you find the species to be fascinating on both a social and scientific level.

    And for me, a big part of it is the desire to fill in the blanks of my knowledge. I believe people evolved, but I'm unconvinced (on both sides) when it comes to the conflicts between science and religion. I want to clear that up, or at least give myself the opportunity to better that knowledge.

    If you're going to give your time up to a career, you might as well take something away from it other than a salary. Take it as a learning experience; for you and for our society.

    But, once again, it varies. Some anthropologists might do it for reasons I wouldn't understand. I'd say that some do it for the money, but the money is pretty crappy.

  3. The basic desire as to why and how we came to be here, right now, by tracing backwards to the events that led up to this event!

    Kinda like playing detective for humanity...

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