
What do anti-gun people do for home/personal protection?

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How often have you had to use or threaten to use your gun for personal protection?

> I haven't yet. And hopefully never will. It's like home insurance, you prepare and hope you never have to use it.

Could you have called the police instead?

> Police would get there in time to take a nice little report of what happened, not to stop it from happening.




  1. I think you're a bit paranoid.  If you live in a reasonably safe area and take proper preacautions like keeping your doors locked, the odds that anyone will invade your home are extremely slim.  Keeping a gun may help you feel safer (like "insurance"), but statistically, the odds that you or someone else in your home will have an accident with the gun are much higher than you ever needing to use it in self defense.

  2. Dogs, fences, common sense

    Some people don't need personal protection to the point of a gun

  3. Per the US Supreme Court: The police do NOT have a duty to protect you from crime. They have a duty to pursue criminals, and to investigate crime, but no duty to prevent crime, despite all the slogans and platitudes.

    I frankly think most people would not defend themselves effectively in a crisis, but those without firearms are left with even less options than the rest of us. They're basically left to what they can grab in a hurry,* and hope the police show up fast.

    911 response in my neighborhood is 14 minutes. A LOT can happen in 14 minutes. I've got a cell phone, which I keep by my head at night, but I also have a firearm, which I *also* keep by my head at night.** And I have a dog, who is a great warning system. I'm prepared at all levels - To be warned, to report, and to defend.

    I sleep very well at night.

    * I frankly recommend a ball-peen hammer. Everyone knows how to swing a hammer, and a ball-peen is heavy enough to do real damage, without the likelihood of getting away from you. but it requires you let your assailant to close to hand-to-hand range, which is always a Bad Thing.

    ** And yes, I have children - Small children, in fact. I raise them as I was raised - With and around firearms, and to understand & respect the rules of firearms. I have no fears for their safety, because not only do I teach them the rules, I follow the rules my self.

  4. Call 911? And honestly, does a gun can really protect? If you kill one bad guy, his pals will be coming for revenge. Don't call me "anti-gun guy" but certain dangerous people should NEVER own a gun and I don't give a d**n over the meaning of the "2nd amendment".

    P.D.: Thanks for the two demerits: truth really hurts.

  5. The same thing that pro-gun people do, since we aren't allowed to own guns in our own homes.  We lock the doors and hope for the best, with our cell phones under our pillows.  Even with a gun, it's not wise to confront an intruder.

  6. I have this issue with being afraid of lots of things. I am working on getting over my fear of being murdered. We have 3 huge dogs. But all they could do is scare someone off

    This is a true story im about to tell you. Happend 30 minutes away from me:

    A man broke in to another mans house. The owner of the home shot the "burgalur"(or however you spell it or whatever you call it) in the leg. The burgalur then sued the man who shot his leg (the man who owns the home)

    And won the case

    So...if you shoot whoever...hope it kills them...(bad way to put it...but a lot less trouble that way)

    AND If you do not have beware of dog signs in your home...and your dog harms a tresspasser or someone who was threatening you...your dog will be put down.

    So its a lose-lose situation

    I guess invest in a home security system and a bat. And hope the person hits you first so you can claim self defense

    I am very upset about the stupidity of the law making this happen.

    Bc I get afraid a lot

  7. They try to talk out the differences and bring inner peace to anyone who might be harmful.  Then that harmful person sees the light and won't do anything bad ever again.

  8. I don't really qualify as anti-gun because I own two rifles and always have owned a gun since I was 8 years old.  

    But since you seem curious-- I lock my door. In 60 years, mostly living in the city, I have never had the need to call the police, never been assaulted, never been burgled, never been robbed.

    Now I know that doesn't prove anything, but you asked the question.  So let me reverse the question. How often have you had to use or threaten to use your gun for personal protection? Could you have called the police instead?


    Those are interesting responses. You have never had to defend yourself with a gun, but you are convinced that the police would not arrive in time if you called 911. I feel sorry for you. You must live with a great deal of fear in your life.

  9. Live in Canada ;-)

    I am almost 39 years old.  I have lived on my own since I was 18.  I have lived in 5 different cities.  I have walked alone at night.  I have NEVER needed a gun to protect myself.

  10. multiple dogs.

  11. 1.)  You can't take your dogs everywhere with you - work, grocery store, etc.

    2.)  *I don't live in an area I feel I need one*- crime can and does happen anywhere.

    My father has always had guns- has his conceal carry permit- he's in his 70's and never needed- but, it was nice to know he had access to it.

    And, the police will not be there in time to protect you from anything- you will be dead in the 7 minutes it takes for the police to get there.  That's assuming you have time or access to the phone anyway.  

  12. there are such items as tasers,stun-guns,pepper spray which are legal in many states.using some of these items can save your life or at least get you out of danger.

    personal protection products

    hidden cameras

  13. Dog.

  14. I simply don't feel the need to protect my home.  My home is not under attack.  

    I have two dogs, which are probably a deterant but other than that I don't feel the need to protect anything with a gun, or anything else for that matter.  

    The only use I have for a gun is to kill animals to feed to my dogs...and I'm not the one doing the killing.

  15. im not anti-gun but i dont have a real gun in this house. my dad has possesion of my rifles. my dog isnt really reliable for protection since its the nicest dog in the world and it let someone break in before. if they break in when im not home they are most likely gonna find my gun. i got a knife, baseball bat, defensive tactics training, and im a good distance runner. trust me if someone comes into my home they will wish the cops get there before i start to have fun with them. i live in what people call the ghetto around here. i never really needed a gun in my home and i lived here my whole life.

  16. My dogs would protect me if they sensed I felt threatened.

    Knife. Whatever I can find.  

  17. Call 911, and hope they don't bleed out first.

  18. Your odds of getting killed during a home invasion go up 400 percent if you have a gun in the house that the person can use to kill you.   I do not wish to increase the risk to my family in that way.  I am fully capable and trained, both through the military and otherwise, and have  CCW permit that I do not use.  I just choose not to put my family at risk. I also have about ten teenage boys at my home on any given day, often while I am at work.  I could train my own kids but I cannot overestimate the ability of teenage boys to get into c**p.  Therefore, I do not keep a gun in the house.

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