
What do any meat-eaters out there think of vegetarians? And vegetarians how would you reply?

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What do any meat-eaters out there think of vegetarians? And vegetarians how would you reply?




  1. each to their the smell of bacon still drives them mad.

  2. I'm a meat-eater and I don't disagree with their thoughts on not eating meat because it's their choice and some people do it for health reasons, but meat can provide great nutrients like iron, potassium, and folic acid which we need a little bit of every day.  Even if veggies don't eat meat, they could still eat some poultry or fish or something right?  I mean, I think it's more natural to eat meat because what would happen to the Earth if people didn't kill the animals to eat???  We'd have way to many of them running wild and damaging stuff, plus if we're eating it it's not like we're just killing it to watch it die or something, it's not a waste.  It's for nutrition.  That's just my view.

  3. Vegetarians are just regular people. Some are cool and some aren't, just like everybody else. Why would anyone "think" anything about them, it's just a diet.

  4. If I invite vegetarians round, they naturally expect me to prepare and cook vegetarian food for them, but when they invite me round to THEIR places they NEVER so much as THINK about returning the compliment, always expecting ME to eat their 'idea' of 'food'.  Any time I go round to their places I always take a present for them - and it's usually a bottle of fake tan - well, they always look so pale......

    The thumbs down button is just here ¬

  5. It doesn't bother me one way or another. It does make for some hard meals if a bunch of people who are of both persuasion. I think it is their choice to make if they don't want to eat beef or meat. On the other hand I don't want to hear how bad I should feel because I eat meat. To me if people make that choice its up to them to live by it. Though I don't think the vegans should make their children live by the vegan lifestyle because the growing body needs the proteins the meat gives that can not be gained from vegetables.

  6. I haven't eaten meat in 12 years (since I was in 7th grade).  I'm not on a crusade to get other people to stop eating it, and I've never made it an issue.  I can pretty much always find something I can eat and if not, I just say I already ate so no one feels awkward.  I just think that there are so many things wrong with the way that animals are kept for meat, especially what they're fed and what's being done with their waste, that I can't eat it.  My fiance still eats meat (although I'm working on him to at least go organic), and there have been plenty of nights when he has made a steak and I make a veggie burger and we do just fine.

    If someone has a problem with what I do and don't eat, I just tell them that I don't judge them, so I would expect to be given the same consideration.

  7. I have had many people insult me simply because I am a vegan. When this happens I usually respond by saying "Please go eat as many hamburgers as possible, that way you will die faster".

    They don't feel so high and mighty after that.

  8. I am a meat eater who married a vegetarian. I think that many meat eaters dont understand what being a veggie means and get a bit confused. (I didnt) I couldnt imagine what you would put in place of the roast beef when catering for a vegetarian at a Sunday lunch.

    Once the penny dropped that if you think about feeding the vegetarian first - you can then add meat protein if you want to it all became a lot easier.  So in a pasta meal he might  have cheese and I'll add some bacon from another pan to my meal at the last minute.

    Someone else who wrote is entirely right that a cook who has never catered for a vegetarian will be totally confused so it is up to the vegetarian to give a clue what they will eat. A blanket I'm vegetarian is not helpful because there are so many variants.  "I'm a vegetarian but I'm really easy to please because I eat fish/eggs/cheese/" is much more reassuring. Ask the person what they were thinking of cooking and then make a suggestion on how they can adapt.  If really stuck suggest you bring a veggy pie, or whatever, to cook alongside. It's easier for you to do this because the meat eater wont have anything to hand - except eggs probably.

    I also think its essential not to pass comment on what other people do or dont eat. It's not like smoking - it wont leap off their plate and into your mouth. It's bad manners to comment on farming etc in the same way that you (hopefully) wouldnt try and convert someone to your religion or political persuasion.

    However, a bit of fight back from the vegetarian is justified if someone has a go at them. I've lost count of the number of times my husband has patiently said "But I'm not going to eat my them" to someone who has challenged his right as a vegetarian to wear leather shoes.  

    The worst situations for vegetarians are actually exactly the same as those suffered by people with food allergies.  Barbeques are particularly bad as people mix up cooking implements and somehow think a vegetarian wont mind/notice if their veggie stuff is cooked where a burger has just been.  My son turned out to have a number of food allergies and some peoples attitude (including relatives) was unbelievable. "Oh but a little bit wont hurt" summed it up.  Well they didnt have to deal with the ezcema/asthma vomiting - all that happened once we got home.

    In the same way, my husband cant digest meat so YES stirring the onions with the same spatula used to turn the meat over IS an issue actually.

    In short better understanding of allergies would also lead to a better deal for vegetarians.  We have noticed an increasing number of cafes displaying `allergy aware' signs.  These give us the reassurance that foods will be well labelled and not mixed up during cooking or serving - suiting both my husband and my son.  

    In summary, most people have likes and dislikes with food and we all need to be tolerant of each other.  The vegetarian / non-vegetarians should realise they are not on opposite sides and some people need to lose the emotion that goes with the issue.  Food should bring people together socially not drive them apart. When teaching cookery instruction in basic food preparation should include giving knowledge about how to keep stuff separate - so meals can be assembled at serving to suit everyones needs.

  9. Not all vegetarians are so because of personal choice, myself and a couple of other family members have a meat intolerance - we cannot digest meat - and we often get judged like we are being awkward or something

  10. I'm vegan, and is it my personal choice to be a vegan?

    I guess it is, but I think that certain people are destined to be vegan.  They are the one that are always seeking answers to questions.  The ones that might think, "I wonder how...?" then go look it up in the library or on the net.  Eventually they will come around to food and say, "I wonder about...?" and it might perhaps start with looking into a certain ingredient, or whatever... so many of these people seem to come from different directions yet end up at the same place... why?  From my experience, that's the one thing I see them having in common.... questioning and wanting an answer, then questioning the answer.

  11. It's my own choice, and it least it won't give me a fat ***.

  12. Humans are Omnivores because it gave them a better chance of survival if they were able to eat a wide variety of foods. There is less pressure now so people are able to make their choices of foods without fear of starvation.

  13. There are only 2 meat eaters in YA that know me personally and they are 2 of my best friends and they love me to bits.  As for the rest of the meat eaters in YA, they obviously don't know me, so cannot really say what they think of me.

    So their opinion of my avatar would really be irrelevant!

  14. While I respect your decision, truth be told, the only reason you have the ability to make such a complex decision is because we started to eat more meat!

  15. How can meat eaters say a vegetarian diet isn't natural lol!

    Plants and veg are natural durr.

    i'm a vegetarian and i'm quite happy to think i'm better than a meat eater, my diet is fantastic.

    I don't eat any eyeballs, earholes or arseholes.

  16. When you're a vegetarian, you are just turning down meat from an animal that is ALREADY DEAD. Of course, you would never think about that.

    I eat nothing but meat.

  17. Let people eat what they want who cares what others do when it doent effect me personally. BTW I eat meat and its good. I have gone vegetarian before and for me it was not satisfying and i felt like I was always missing something.

  18. I don't get you guys. Vegan subs suck cajones!

    EDIT: Well, they do!

  19. It depends on the vegetarian. I don't like the kind that act like they are better than me because they don't eat meat. I also don't like it if they attack me for eating animal products. I don't tease them for not eating meat, so why should they get after me?

    Two of my best friends are vegetarians and we get along just fine. They do not harp at me for my eating habits and I don't mock them for not eating meat.

    We have agreed to disagree.

    I do know that some meat eaters do tend to mock veg*ns and I think that it's wrong. Don't mock them if you don't want them to do it to you.

    We will always disagree on why we chose to eat what we do, it's just the way things are.

  20. I don't have feelings about it one way or the other.  would NEVER judge or try to form an opinion about someone based on what they eat or don't eat - each to their own that's what I say.

  21. Until everyone in the world has food i will remain convinced what you eat is up to you,, just don't complain about what I eat and don't tell me meat eating is wrong. humankind AKA  Mr&Mrs ominvoure says otherwise,,, we are what we are in the end, its personal choice.

    I will repsect your choices if you can respect mine..

  22. I am a meat-eater. And i totally agree with Veggies for not eating it, i know it's cruel and i feel sorry for their short life when i eat them, but they are dead anyway, i can't bring it back to life and it would be worse to chuck it away. And also, meat is protein and helps people grown strong.

    But i fully agree with vegetarians and i admire them for standing up for what they believe in so go you!

  23. its there choice but its not natural

  24. It seems that apart from some trolls on from Yahoo Answers, people normally don't care who eats what and why. ;)

    I don't judge anyone for his life style and don't try to convert anyone, and expect the same rights as a vegan. :)

    And if anybody would have a problem, so what, I don't care.

  25. I really don't care either way it is a individual choice just as long as vegetarians do not tell me how bad it is to the animal I am fine with it. I am not going to try to change your mind so don't try to change mine

  26. I have no issue with veggie eaters-live and let live I say

  27. Why do I have to think anything at all? to me a vegetarian is someone who has a Sunday roast without the meat, whats the problem?

    I get funny looks because I can't eat tomatoes and I don't like sprouts, so what, Its personal choice.

    Through life I have discovered that people only seek reassurance when they have a feeling of guilt, so do vegetarians feel the need to keep asking these types of question as a means of reassurance?, and if so - why?

    There is no need, you are not different, you just make different choices, however most vegetarians will keep advertising their choices to the extreme.

    Why not, when asked what you would like to eat, say 'May I have whatever veg, etc ' , rather than 'I can't eat that - its dead animal'.

    I often go out for a meal and just eat non meat products, but I choose what I want to eat, not advertise what I can't, or won't.

    This is where most vegetarians fail - by insisting on being treated differently, and then complaining when they are.

    I have some very close friends that are vegetarian, and we often visit restaurants for meals, and in all the time I have known them I have never once heard them refer to themselves as 'vegetarian'. they just know what to eat and order it.

  28. If you can eat it then you should eat it! i dont mind if people genuinely dont like the taste but i dont see how they cant like the taste of alll meats! i think its pointless and vegans are just weird! it makes making meals and going out for dinner awkward!

  29. I think being a vegetarian is a matter of personal choice, I have vegetarian friends and even work for a company that produces meat free products (like tomato & basil sausages and stuff like that for vegans) but its something i would never ever do and agree that is not natural.

  30. i'm a vegetarian, and i really don't care what other people eat.  omnis can think i'm nuts, i really couldn't care less.  everyone interprets their own morals and values differently and i certainly can't expect everyone to agree with mine.

    different strokes for different folks.

  31. Please grow up, it's a diet choice not a personality transplant.

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