
What do be goin on with the horsey set?

by  |  earlier

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Another Olympics, another doping scandal for us. Jaysus, you'd have think they learned their lesson in Athens!

PS Anyone know where we can those horse tranquilisers? We hear they're only great, so they are!




  1. Too doped up to think straight!! And thats just the rider, not the horse.  

    It was not a tranquiliser, but a version of deep heat for horses, makes you lift your legs higher!!! Sounds like great craic, maybe I should get myself some, LOL

  2. Ask your local dealer for Special K

    Ketamine lol

  3. What was the horse called "charlie"

    Should have learnt the lesson from what happened with waterford crystal meth.

  4. Stop with all this horse-play, you dope!

  5. just find any posh nob with a d4 accent. they eat those pills like feckin jelly sweets.  

  6. Boys them ther tranquilisers are not the ones you put in your gob if ya get me meanin.

    You be walkin like a duck in stephens green.

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