
What do blind people dream about?

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What do blind people dream about? People that were blind from birth. What do they think about being that they never seen anything but black.....




  1. They still have the full range of emotions, experiences of their life, and these come out in dreams.  A large aspect of many dreams is how you feel in the dream, the visuals can secondary.  I know I have dreams with  people I know, and they look nothing like the real person.   Yet in the dream I 'know' it is them.

    It is true, though, that those who are totally blind from birth do not have a visual components to their dreams, while those who became blind after being able to see continue to have visual dreams.

  2. Whatever is in their subconscious.  Everything in our world breaks down to energy, that energy can then be seen as light patterns.  They may see things like in the Matrix.

  3. they dream in what they only experience...sounds, touch, taste, smell...if they never seen can they dream about it.  Like you for you r ever see a grambolopquis in your, cause you never see one and dont know what one is...

  4. I've pondered this very thing myself... I've come to the conclusion that, if the part of their brain that controls vision is in perfect order (meaning blindness is due to problems with the eyes) then I see no reason why the brain wouldn't be able to work up an image of some sort... of course, i am NOT a neurologist! xD If it's the visual part of the brain that does not work, I suppose it would be utterly impossible to come up with anything at all... So they would dream sound, taste, smell, feel... all that good stuff which non-blind people's dreams tend to be lacking in.

    Mind you, that's all theoretical nonsense! :3 Either way, it's what I've come to think about the topic. Good luck getting a scientific answer!  

  5. Wow! I don't know. That's a difficult question, ain't it!

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