
What do bodybuilders use to get so big?

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if they use steroids, then don't they test them if they win the mr. olympia




  1. not every bodybuilder is juicing, especially since there are natty divisions.  Its a lot of hard work, proper diet, and suppliments.  Of course there are those who do juice

  2. Steroids, duh!

    They don't implement drug testing anymore..every bodybuilder is on'd have to be if you wanted to stand a chance in any competition..

  3. injectbile steroids.... but dont try it! its terrible for your health. being big isnt everything.. plus roids shrink stuff.. if you know what i mean

  4. To get that big they use steroids and Human Growth Hormone.  To get such a low bodyfat many of them also use Cocaine and speed.

    This doesn't apply to natural bodybuilders who are generally much smaller than their juicing counterparts.

    There are some natural trainers who do get to those sizes without drugs.  They usually already have a big frame and freaky genetics.

    Powerlifters and strongmen for instance do sometimes use drugs but it's much less common.  Some of those guys get up to 350lb and more.  Of course those guys have more body fat.

  5. estrogen, that is why their balls shrink  

  6. testosterone boosters mostly same thing as steroids but steroids boost your levels way farther then boosters...

    and mr olympia, jay cutler, never used steroids least i dont think so if he did hed be gone by now

    hes always been like that and has been lifting since he was in highschool in the 90's

    most bodybuilders have been lifting there whole lives

    others, like lee priest or arnold swartzenagger(i spelled it wrong i know) have used steroids, but nothing dramatic, a few cycles here and there to keep the gains coming along cuz after awhile youll reach a plateu

    the only thing i can say is work your *** off, and spend a **** load of money on whey

    and youll be good

  7. steriods

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