
What do bricks and bubbles have in common??

by  |  earlier

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In what ways can you consider bricks and bubbles (that kids blow out of a plastic circular-pipe) as being alike? Thanks~!




  1. both have/are been mould to..........acquire their corresponding shapes

  2. they both contain matter/mass.  Both of them have air pockets in them.

  3. Oh I thought that the two words start with B.

  4. First of all.. considering from the language point of view,

    Bricks and Bubbles have B in common!!!

    Leaving that apart and coming to the science point of view,

    Both have air in common!!


    1) The bubble has air inside it

    2) The brick is actually porous and has air inside it!!

    (i hope you would remember that when water is poured on the brick, you hear a hissing sound which is due to the air which is tryin to escape!)

    Hope it helped you!!! :)

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