
What do bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers all have in common?

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What do bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers all have in common?




  1. They all help you!

  2. Fiber glass.

  3. a man couldn't dream up such an invention

  4. All really annoying when they don't work right.

  5. They were invented by ****** (Sorry: Blacks, no wait afro-americans, wait it's african-americans, wait it's people of colour, colored-folk, colored people, or is it ******)

    P.S. I am Cherokee

  6. All were invented in the 20th century and they weren't made by women!!!

  7. We'd rather not have to use them if we had a choice, but in the right circumstances they are invaluable.

  8. All are invented by women!!!.

  9. They all begin with a consonant

  10. They're all improvements on previous inventions.

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