
What do businessmen/women do?

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What do they study at a level + university, also what are some skills they require?




  1. To be a businesswoman in the future, if that is why you are asking, you can study whatever you want at A level and university I would say.  Its bets to do your favourite subjects rather than subjects you think you should do, as you will get good grades in something you are passionate about.

    Business people study different things at school. For instance a lawyer may study English, Languages, classics etc. A Financier maybe Maths, Business, Economics, Physics.

    If you want to get into business do Business Studies and Economics, I would say Economics of the two. Maths is definitely a key to business in whatever profession.

    The key to getting a job you want is experience and having skills/qualities that apply.  You rightly ask what skills do they have. I would say they are the following:

    Dedicated, well mannered, intelligent, hard working, well presented, organised, personable, motivated, ambitious, IT literate to name a few. Some of these can be established as you go along.

    Also, I am presuming you're A level age? Watch 'Pursuit of Happiness' with Will Smith, a good motivator!

    Good luck.

  2. Business Men/Woman is too vague. They can be working doing anything at any type of company. Add more details to your Q.

  3. Wouldn't that depend on the business they worked in? Obviously a good business knowledge is essential, you'll need to know the basics. So A level business studies would start you off, maybe business finance as well. A good level of english would be required, business law could also prove helpful. There are so many ways to get into business, you need to find out which one would best suit you, financial/legal/management...

  4. A "Businessperson" can be any 'position' in the organization.

    Each level in the (American) organizational mold can hold many "duties."  Most of these duties depend upon the order of command within that organization.

    No specific personality TYPE-CAST is "best" all across the geographical continent.     Each region and sub regions rely upon their own SET ORDER of business leadership techniques.

    Which ever region you choose or are able to study reflects YOUR LEADERSHIP STYLE.  -  Whether you follow this training depends upon how you reflect on the course / program you take.

  5. If you have a basic degree from an acceptable university, but stayed at home and studied the behaviour of ants and documented them, you would be qualified to be called a scientist. Even if you published your findings in your own web page and your papers have not been accepted by major scientific journals.

    Therefore, if you sold hotdogs on a mobile store, you would be qualified to be called a businessman/businesswoman. Examples of business persons are:

    1. A janitor who provides services and scouts for business, negotiates directly with clients and calls the shots on how toilets are cleaned.

    2. An EBay entrepreneur who buys bulk and separates them to be resold in auctions.

    3. Sorry for the unsavoury example - In parts of Nevada where prostitution is legal, they call themselves businesswomen and frequently are chairperson/president of their own corporation.

    4. A real-estate agent.

    5. A free-lance night soil engineer who provides sanitary services to villages for financial profit.

    6. A lawyer who collects fees on his own or on behalf of partners.

    7. A piano teacher who collects fees for providing lessons.

    8. Someone who "borrows" a cart from Walmart and goes around town scavenging for recyclables, and brings them back to Walmart recycling centre. A scavenger who steals from people's recycling bins should not be considered a business person but a thief.

    I would like to propose that a person is classified as a business person when a person conducts sales and purchases for the reason of gaining financial profit. There should be no educational constraints or requirements - but obviously having relevant university/non-university training in the field of service being provided would be advantageous.

  6. salesman, h.r. manager, finance manager, acct. manager, or just about anything else.

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