
What do call the smaller window on a vehicle door?

by Guest67000  |  earlier

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I had my semi truck broken into and need to replace the small window(used as a vent) on the door. This is not the large glass that you roll down but rather the small one with a small handle that twists open. Its also found on older cars, but i don't know what is the exact name of the window to order one. Quick 10 points for correct answer. THANKS




  1. Vent window or No draft window.

  2. My old cars had them on them and they were called wind wings. If you opened them all the way, they acted like a wing or scoop and directed the air into the car. This question brought back good memories I'm 57 years old and those were good times. Thanks

  3. It is actually called a vent window or 'wing' window by some.  More commonly known as the vent window though.

  4. The 'triangular vent window'.

  5. A vent draft window...or cozy flap...Good Luck

  6. sorry but the window you want is the side vent window and have to go to frieghtliner or a glass man to have replaced,or you could grind off the head of the rivit that holds it on and replace it with a 1/4 in nut and bolt after you buy the window from frieghtliner. take the last six numbers from your vin and go to the nearest freightliner parts department and ask for the side vent window,,

  7. a vent window

  8. It is called quarter (vent) window.

  9. on older trucks they were called vent windows

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