
What do carpenter ants look like?

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I have these ants that I have been seeing and killing in my house. They are about _________ that long with big thoraxes (butts). I have ant traps out but if they are carpenter ants that stuff won't kill them will it? What do I do they are freaking me out!!




  1. They are big black ants.  They are the same size as the fire ants that built the big ant hill.  They are very destructive to your home.

  2. They look like ants with little saws and hammers.  And they always overbill

  3. Read this article. It has a picture and is a GREAT resource in understanding carpenter ants:

    If they are carpenter ants, then no the over the counter stuff will not work - and it's even likely that the professional stuff wont work either.

    Because if they are in your house it probably means you have a water problem, and they will no go away until you treat the water problem.

    Trust me I know since I had a long battle against them that was only won once I took out a loan and had my roof and siding replaced, and also hired a tree company to remove trees around my house (they use them to get access).

    Maybe you will be more lucky and they are just coming from outside, in which case you can inspect outside your exterior at night to try to find ant trails to lead you to an exterior nest location and treat the nest- but you should focus on making sure your house does not have any water problems, from simple things like a leaking dishwasher, to complicated things like if the roof is leaking (mine was).

  4. They have tool belts and hard harts.


    They are Big Black and Ugly and they can bite and leave big red whelps on you too

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