
What do caucasian men really think of black women?

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What do caucasian men really think of black women?




  1. It depends on the man really. Some people think you should not mix races while others feel it does not matter. To be honest,white guys are a little intimidated by black women because they are known to be tuff and they are afraid to be beat up by a girl. I`ve been told that is the reason many black men go for white girls too.Because they feel they have control over them and most men know that they can not have control over a black woman.There are those of us who believe that it is what is on the inside that counts and that is where real beauty is found. I hope this helps answer your question.

  2. Hold on a sec.  Let me ask the National Speaker for all Caucasian Men.  He should be able to tell us.

  3. I'm a white guy and i say they have nice butts.

  4. mostly from what ive seen, it depends on the character of the woman.  if she is classy, then i have seen white men say that they are attractive, but when they act ghetto, then they are extremely appalled.  mind you this is just what i have heard from my white male friends

  5. They should look at the person NOT their race.

  6. Umm they are woman . They are just like white woman . Some are hot some are not . Some have great personality,s and some are b*****s just like white woman .

  7. My fiance is white and I'am black. That man just loves me!

  8. they are idk

    lesbians g*y guys

  9. I think DeadRose hit the nail on the head.

  10. Like any culture some are nice some are not so nice> Some look good other don't> It's all in the eye of the beholder>

  11. Most think we are good for a one night stand and we aren't good enough to take home to mama. But a few will actually date us in the open and marry us. Others think they can sneak around and not have their dirty little secrete of sleeping with a Black woman know to their precious kin folks or friends.

  12. Black women are very s**y.

    Many of them look sultry and hypnotic.

    Of course, every ethnic/national group has their few bad apples and annoying, unattractive, abnoxious, ridiculous people.

    But overall, I find black women attractive and charismatic.

    I've dated a few.

  13. i don't think you can speak in general like that... "caucasian"... its individually... some of them might be racist, some of them might love them... soem of them might not give a S**t

  14. i think black women are s**y

  15. I can honestly say that it's always been about the person, yes I've dated a few black women in the early 80's and it was a no no back then according to the black guys who were furious... a woman is a woman just like a man is a man.  To put it bluntly when the lights are out.....

    Relationships should always be about the person not their body, the body may be what attracted you but that just gets you / her noticed.

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