
What do chemists do with unwanted prescription medicines that have been returned to them please?

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we're told not to put unwanted or out of date medicines down the toilet or in the dustbins but to return them to the chemist. What do they do with them instead? We accidentally returned some that were still needed, and rang the chemist the next day, but they said they destroyed them immediately. Just wondered what they did that was different to what we could do.




  1. Medication returned to the pharmacy is destroyed. Depending on the type of medication returned. Controlled drugs are placed in special containers that disintegrate the tablet or capsule and other tablets are popped into containers that are collected regularly and then incinerated. Liquid medication is collected in special containers and disposed of in a similar way.

  2. They sell them off cheap to egg producers. If you feel funny, come out in purple spots, or are suddenly struck by fits of incontrollable laughter followed by sneezing at breakfast time, boil your eggs for 3 days and then they should be safe.

    You can then go to the chemist and buy some nice fresh senecot pills

  3. they swallowed those pill as soon a your head turn.

  4. I used to volunteer at a pharmacy.  They dump all the expired stuff in a box/bin and get rid of it.  But they don't put it in the bins that they put food and regular stuff in, they have designated trash cans for those things.    

    I had a used epipen that I left in my friends car and she was going to throw it out for me, but my allergist said that I needed to give it to him for him to dispose.

    Probably has to do with toxins being released and potentially dangerous stuff happening if something isn't disposed of properly.  Chemicals and junk.

  5. They're incinerated at a high temperature.

  6. Certain medications are actually sent to third world nations for use there. Since expiration dates aren't really anywhere near to the actual date that the medicine is unsafe or ineffective, they're still useful.

    Many medications are disposed of, however, due to not being in demand or simply being cost ineffective to prepare for use in other countries.

  7. Hi yaa,

    Nice  to hear from other people. According  to British law you cant keep any unwanted or expired medication at home.You have  to dispose off  at the pharmacy.

    1- We receive  the medication in white tray ,its called disposal collection tray and keep in mind we don't touch the medication we use gloves for  that.

    2-Normally we don't receive any control drug like Methadone or Methylphenoxybenzamine or others.Normally empty packs.all medication will go in yellow bins with the description Hazardous material only for disposal,collection once in a  month.

    3-Any syringes or control drugs  will go in small  black bin with green lid. PdH dont deal with these bins these are collected once in a month by different company .You just receive a detail of bins not the items by collector.


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