
What do chickens cluck from?

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I used to be a chicken farmer, so I'm ashamed that I don't know this.

But what makes a chicken cluck? Is it the equivalent to the human voice box (what would that be called?) or the lungs?

The reason why I need to know is because I'd like to add some useless information to

Did you know that chickens can still cluck with their head cut off by applying force to their voice box, or lungs?

It's true, I used to do that quite often back when we were farming.

(my apologies to all vegetarians or vegans who may have come across this question)




  1. The larynx of birds is called Syrinx. Thats, preobably, where the voice comes from. Yes, it is the equalent of voice box of humans.

    TW K

  2. I used to live on a chicken farm and I do believe (though i could be mistaken) that they have something similar to the voice box.

    I think the weirdest fowl related thing that I know to be fact is that if you raise turkeys, you have to have at least one chicken in with them, because if you don't they will not learn how to feed.  They are indeed dumb birds...also, turkeys cannot be left outside in rainstorms because they will drown...(I swear I am not making this up)  the turkeys actually look up at the sky ( i can only assume they do so to see where the rain is coming from) and because of the position of the nasal openings, water goes in and they drown...I have actually seen this occur twice.

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