
What do coaches look for in volleyball tryouts and soccer?

by Guest65950  |  earlier

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What kind of skills do they want you to have. Also the same with soccer.




  1. Volleyball - they are looking for serving ability, ball control, and teamwork.  Also, it helps if you can show you are not afraid to hit the ground when necessary to get to the ball. (just wear knee pads)

  2. for soccer they want you to be somewhat fast, and have good footskills. aka have fast feet and be able to keep the ball close, do tricks etc.

    also my coaches really liked players that talked a lot (on the field)

    for example saying "drop" or "man on" things like that..they liked people that were kind of team leaders.

    sorry i can't help you with the volleyball lol

  3. Skills needed: knowledge of the sport, the ability to play the sports, speed and heart.


    When you tryout for volleyball the coaches mainly look for control. If you can pass the ball well without making it fly out across the room. Second they look for serving. If you have a powerful arm and can serve over the net accurately you will most likely get picked.

  5. idk about soccer but ive been to dozens of successful volleyball tryouts and talked to coaches about what they look for so this is basically it:

    1. COMMUNICATION, obviously you need to be decent at the sport, but a player who is encouraging to others, calls the ball loudly and communicates during play attracts coaches immediately. (when i say communication i dont mean, chatter or gossip with friends i mean encouragement and communication among players


    coaches look for players who have mastered the basic fundamental skills of the game, even if they are not AMAZING they look for players who have knowledge of the basic skills and the potential to improve during the season. this includes

    -proper passing form

    -proper movement towards the ball in serve receive and defense

    -being about to set the ball. and also being able to pass the ball with your hands or arms in a pass

    -knowledge of the three and four step approach to hit

    -correct armswing during attack and whether you rotate with your arm and shoulder or your torso (your torso is good, arm and shoulder bad)

    -depending on what position you're trying out for, they look for other things as well

    -blocking -- your form (thumbs up, fingers spread arms in front of you, proper movement towards the block, piking over the net)

    -if you're a hitter, one thing good coaches look for is not how hard you hit but how smart you are when you hit (can you hit around a block, do you tip, roll, or push the ball to smart spots when the set is not perfect, the spot is wide open, or there's a huge block you can't hit around)

    --so don't just try to kill the ball every time, show the coaches you can hit the ball hard both line and cross but also that you are a smart hitter with tips, rolls and pushes

    -a decent serve is also key. serves can either gain or actually lose a team points during a game so, while it is great if you have a killer topspin, float or jump serve, it is better to be confident with a serve that will be in and over the net rather than trying to hit the ball as hard as you can without consistency. coaches look for good serves but they also look for consistent serves.


    if you have a good attitude, not only are you better to be around, but you are considered more coachable. when coaches look at you in tryouts they look at how you will play in a game. a good, positive, uplifting attitude is required in game situations even if you don't like other players. if you get pissed at yourself or others in tryouts DON'T SHOW IT--coaches HATE this. pretend your find and make sure you get the next one or if someone else screws up give them a high five and say "its fine" or "you got the next one". sounds corny but coaches love it

    4. EFFORT

    whether you're an amazing volleyball player or you suck, coaches want to see that you are making an effort to do your best, because this shows what you will be like during the season and your potential for improvement during the season. if you are really good already, still try your hardest or show the coaches you are because coaches don't like cocky players, they bring down the whole team and don't play together as a team in game situations. whether you're good or bad this is important

    hope this helps! good luck

  6. Depends on how old you are. If your saying highschool level, then you should be able to serve overhand. Also you should hit the ball decently hard, and be able to set and pass.

    Key notes for tryouts!

    If there are alot of girls, where a standout shirt. Corny, but you'll be noticed and remembered.

    Always shag, and do it fast.

    Talk alot. Be loud on the court.

    Be agressive.

    Hit the floor hard, and be willing to take one for the team


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