
What do conductors do when the train hit a car on the track?

by  |  earlier

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Do they just keep going till the car gets off the track and write a report when they get to the station? or do they have to stop immediately and check?

could the people on the train feel it if a train hit a car?

and why do most trains don't stop at first sight when they see a car or obstruction on track? that's what it seems to me.. they only apply the emergency brake when it's too late.




  1. A train is a big, heavy thing that doesn't skid to a halt in a few feet. Most car/train accidents either happen at night or on a bend where the train operator doesn't see the stalled car until too late.

    If the train hits ANYTHING, person, vehicle, tree branch etc they are required to stop to check if anyone is hurt and if damage has been done to the train that might endanger passenger safety.

    If persons ARE involved the conductor will radio a report in and await further instructions.

  2. is this a real question. the train can only be on the rails, not coming from a side street or alley. can you stop your car on a dime or does it travel some distance. now add thousands of tons and you see the problem I hope,,,,,,,,,,,

  3. As soon as the conductor hits a car they will contact the dispatcher and start to slow the train down and why dont they stop when they first see a car............they do but with the weight and the speed it is usually to late to slow something of this size down and some people do feel the train hitting them but most dont, they just die...

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