
What do crabs and salamanders eat??

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me my grandma my aunt my 4 cousins and my 2 brothers went to a park today and me one of my brothers and one of my cousins caught 6 salamanders ( 1 died tho:( ) and 2 crabs out of a creeck and i didnt have time to let them go so i just brought them home their in my bath tub filled with a little bit of water lol but i have no idea what to feed them??? any ideas??? PLEASE I DONT WANT THEM TO DIE((((




  1. You probably ought to let most of them go, but keeping 1 salamander as a pet would be OK.   Put him in an aquarium with enough moist dirt for him to dig a hole.    

    Salamanders just love earthworms.  I had a tiger salamander as a pet for more than 10 years feeding him mostly worms.   In winter, when I couldn't get worms, I cut strips of steak the same size and shape as a worm.  I'd dangle them over his head, or in front of his hole if he was hiding, so he'd think it was alive.  He'd jump a couple inches in the air to grab it.

    Crabs will eat just about anything.....

  2. if u want them to live u need to let them go. you've already killed one of them

    keeping wild caught salamanders in captivity (as pets) is cruel immoral and environmentally reprehensible and as an adult u should know better. when a wild animal i removed from its natural environment and put in a confined space it causes massive amounts of stress. this affects herps (reptiles and amphibians) very badly worse than most other orders many die simply from the stress of being in captivity it also weakens there immune system meaning more die from disease. those that survive suffer from stress related behaviour disorders, stress related illness and have a shortened life span. there quality of life is pretty bad too

    if u dont know the species and correct care of these animals its best to let them go. salamanders especially have very strict care needs such as temperature gradient, humidity, water levels, water depths, substrates and cleaning and with them coming from the wild and then being placed in a tank together disease could run writhe. please release them before they die. if you want a pet salamander research there basic care then read up on the species u want then buy all the equipment needed and then buy one from a reputable pet store

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