
What do crayfish in a lake eat?

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What do crayfish in a lake eat?




  1. crayfish, scum

  2. Other crayfish.

  3. they are mostly vegetarians....but they do like a worm or two

  4. I think they like algae wafers.

    They'll eat fish food as well.  

  5. They're omnivorous and mainly scavengers and will eat anything that's edible and either dead or doesn't put up too big a fight. I've caught a few of them on worms.

  6. They eat each other, bugs, small fish, trash, etc.


  7. worms.smaller fish.anything dead in the water too!

  8. definitley fish like minnows because i have a pet one but theyll eat anything dead theyre scavengers

  9. fish or seaweed? i dont no

  10. probly smaller fishes.

  11. Things that die and fall to the bottom.  No lie.

    Gacky!  I am sorry!!!

  12. Anything smaller than them.

  13. they are to cleaners of the bottom..they eat anything that is dead in the water....and some vegitation..

  14. crayfish eat other crayfish and eat smaller fish and sometimes try to eat bigger fish and eat any other wildlife in the lake eg swan mussles.

  15. cheese

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