
What do cruise liners do with human waste?. Were do they dump it?

by Guest65668  |  earlier

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Is there a special procedure for cruise liners for dumping human waste?. Do they just dump it in the middle of the sea?




  1. You mean 'where' not 'were' the sea of course, that's where sewerages lead to.

  2. When I was in the Navy, I was in submarines. All waste ends up in sanitary tanks. These tanks are blown overboard at sea. The limit was more than 50 miles from land. Otherwise, all waste was held on board until we could hook up to the sewer systems back in port or go back outside 50 miles. Cruise ships do mostly the same, except for newer ones which have something similar to a shore based sewage treatment plant found in any city. By treating the sewage, they can discharge closer to shore than 50 miles, but they still have a limit on how far out they have to be (I just do not remember what it is for treated waste), and they still hook up to a shore sewage system when they are in port. The law is that at no time can you discharge raw sewage overboard in port, which also applies to recreational sailboats, motorboats, yachts, the works.

  3. They dump it off the coast of Myrtle Beach SC

  4. Same as aircraft it is collected into A tank,When the ship docks it is pumped out into the main sewerage system.

  5. They recycle the waste and the water is drinking quality. Disturbing but true.

  6. Any MODERN cruise ship... built in the past 5 years or so... has an ON BOARD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT... the water that comes out of it is DRINKING QUALITY... and the sludge is pumped out at port.

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