
What do cruise ships do during hurricanes or big storms?

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Okay so right now in Flordia horrible storms are going and have been going on...what happens to the cruise ships? Are the cruises cancelled? If so where does the crew go? Thanks...just wondering




  1. Cruise ships do not get caught in storms. They know where the storms are and will go away from them.  If the home  port is closed due to weather they will then go to alternate port and bus the passengers to the home port.  This has happened this week in Port Canaveral.  Check out our web site and you will see a link to our blog where we discus first hand experience with hurricanes and cruising.

  2. The cruise ships would not set out into a hurricane.  If they were at sea, they would know exactly where the hurricane is and its approximate course, so they would try to avoid it.  Even if it meant going hundreds of miles off course to do so.  In the unfortunate event of being caught in one, the ship would steer in the direction that was most comfortable to handle.  Cruise ships are fitted with stabilisers, and these, though effective in moderate swells, do very little when in really rough seas.

    To answer the rest of your question, the cruise would be delayed until safe to depart, and the crew would remain on board doing mundane chores like cleaning and scrubbing.

  3. they avoid the weather  if they can possibly do so.

    if not they might cancel a port stop and replace it with another one.

    have a nice day

  4. They sink.

  5. flip over and sink

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