
What do cyclists do in long distance races when they want to pee?

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What do cyclists do in long distance races when they want to pee?




  1. Generally unless you are in a critical position you stop and find a quiet bit of roadside. Often, the need to pee becomes immediately apparent when you finish and dismount!  

    Never done it myself but if you are desperate you can always 'lubricate your chain - en route!' (ie.wet yourself) I wouldn't rule this out, if I was out in front with just a few miles to go!


  2. They have two choices.

    They can take what is called a "nature break" and stop near some woods and do their thing or they just go while they are cycling.

    The latter was evident in the Tour de France this year when one of the riders getting off his bike at the end of the race showed clear evidence of "wetting his pants"

  3. Ever wondered why they are in such a hurry to change their pants after a race. Now you know.

    If you want to place well in a race certain sacrifices have to be made.

  4. The same thing you do when you want to pee: they pee.

  5. Yep....if you're not going to pull over for a few seconds to let loose, then you work the shorts down and drain the tank while you're coasting.  

    Good riders can do this alone by themselves.  Not so good riders use a teammate to steady their hip or shoulder or handlebars while they take care of business.

    I guess you could always take the Nasa Crazy Woman option of wearing a diaper, too.

    There is no race in this world important enough to me to ever make me wet my chamois and clean up p**s from my bike later on.    :o)

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