
What do dead animals get recycled into?

by  |  earlier

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I just called animal control and they picked up a dead raccoon from my lawn... So I was wondering, what do they do with the dead animal?

I asked the officer, but didn't make clear what he said after being recycled... (too many cars passing by)




  1. In addition to the rendering plant information.... The part that is skimmed off the top is also sold to cosmetics and skincare companies to be used in their products under the guise of "collagen and elastin". Two of the biggest buzz words in skincare right now actually mean that you're slathering dead animal on your face. AND, there's no data to show that using another species collagen and elastin on your skin will help with your own collagen and elastin production or retention.

  2. They get cremated, usually en masse with other dead animals.

  3. They are just going to throw him away. Maybe they bury them somewhere but it's unlikely. Probably just dump it off somewhere or the put it in the regular trash.

    By recycled, they likely meant that his nutrients will go back into the earth wherever he ends up.

  4. Guess what, road kill is often used in the manufacture of soap.   "Don't forget to wash before din-din."

  5. Recycling Process:

    The rendering plant floor is piled high with 'raw product' all waiting to be processed.  In the 90-degree heat, the piles of dead animals seem to have a life of their own as millions of maggots swarm over the carcasses.

    First the raw material is cut into small pieces and then transported to another auger for fine shredding.  It is then cooked at 280 degrees for one hour. This process melts the meat away from bones in the hot 'soup.'  This continuous batch cooking process goes on non-stop for 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    During this cooking process, the soup produces fat of yellow grease or tallow (animal fat) that rises to the top and is skimmed off.  The cooked meat and bone are sent to a hammermill press, which squeezes out the remaining moisture and pulverizes the product into a gritty powder.  Shaker screens remove excess hair and large bone chips.  Now the following three products are produced:

    Recycled meat

    Yellow grease (animal fat)

    Bone meal

    Since these foods are exclusively used to feed animals, most state agency spot check and test for truth in labeling such as: does the percentage of protein, phosphorous and calcium match the rendering plant's claims; do the percentages meet state requirements? However, testing for pesticides and other toxins in animal feeds is not done or is done incomplete.

  6. why did u call them to pick it up. u couldnt pick it up and put in in thre garbage . thats what they do.what do u think they recycle it into a new racoon.

  7. mostly hot dogs, sometimes frozen hamburger patties

  8. I remember quite some time ago watching a documentary on your exact question. It was said that the dead animals (mostly "road kill" is used in mulch for landscaping). Maybe, that's why it so stinky. Hope this was helpful. Oh, by the way you did a great thing by calling.

  9. we'll I remember when I worked for the Dept. of Sanitation years ago when I worked the phone calls from the community. I was instructied to tell callers that pets are considered garbage and to rap it up in somehing, put in a bag or box  and the animal in or on top of the garbage. it was said to here people on the phone saying "It's a familiy member" I tried my best to be understanding to the peoples need and  somme times I would suggest a pet funeral or something like.  Nonetheless, at the end of the day. a pet is considered gargabe.

  10. They incinerate them usually. Sometimes they send them to collages for testing and experiments. I suppose some times they just throw them in the trash to be taken to the landfill or donate them to fertilizer companies. Hope this gives you some Idea!

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