
What do do you think of this poem that i wrote?

by  |  earlier

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My Eyes

I sit and I watch.

I watch you

and your smile.

You look down.

I am to the left.

You avoid my stare

because you know


am waiting to meet your gaze.

You just know that you will see the hunger in my eyes

for you.

To be with you.

To see your face


and one more time again.

I wait until you are ready.

You look up.

To the right.

To the left.

You meet me.

And we just sit.

We sit and we think about who we really are.

Who we lie to.

What we lie about.

We tell ourselves bad things about ourselves for


Does it last?

You know the answer.

We wait until it is too late.

We wait until our pride is hurt,

and our confidence is in ruins.

There is no going back.

You see all of this in my eyes.

You ponder the thought.

And yet you look away

because you are not ready.

You are not ready for the truth


You can’t handle what

Is right because you know that in the truth

you will be defeating



All you think about.




No one else.

And so,

to solve your problem of defeating your self

you look away.

You don’t dare to look back.

For the fear of being beaten in your argument is to


I feel sorry for you.

Some day you will look into my eyes and admit


with a white flag.

One wave of defeat and you are…

human again.

One look.

Some day!




  1. you are gifted, really well written, and i wish this person appreciated you for you, there Loss my friend, always remember what didn't make

    you laugh can't make you cry. Some day someone will come along

    who appreciates you, and wants to love and be with only you.

    You'll see

  2. hi, sounds more like a confusing email i  got once. paulie

  3. it's okay I mean the point your trying to make but the wording is off.

    sorry not big on poems.

  4. yes i liked it very good xx

  5. i really enjoyed reading this , please feel free to read mine

  6. This is wonderful writing, and clearly from a troubled heart. Refrences here to perhaps a conversation during a break up, or perhaps a partner who has been un faithfull.

    I could read this poem again and again and find something new each time.

    I also like it because it captures pain and emotion you were feeling at the time. It also made me remind myself of similar situations.

    Well Done, I am impressed.

  7. Love it

  8. i loved that!! it was really good!

    keep it up :)

  9. its good.

    with poetry writing class maybe it could be better.

  10. Tumb up; I like it. I would prefer to write a poem of my thoughts > a poem of someone elses.. :D

  11. I love the poem you have a really GREAT talent. But I couldnt help but wonder who is it your talking about???

  12. it's okay, kinda long..but it's good

  13. deep. but very good.

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