
What do dragonfly eats?

by Guest56624  |  earlier

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i just want to know




  1. Other insects, my bum.

  2. Your English text books by the look of it.

  3. They catch and eat small flying insects

  4. Mosquitoes.  

  5. Knightflys in shining armor.

  6. Dragonflies are among the most beneficial insects on the planet.  And, the fastest flying, reaching speeds of 35MPH.

    There are many species of Dragonflies, and they range the world over.  They are quit beautiful animals and are colored in blacks, reds, yellows, oranges, greens, purples, and blues.

    They are harmless to humans, and there are even clubs of people that love Dragonflies.

    The invention of the butterfly net came from the study of Dragonflies.  These insects have long stiff hairs on their legs.  As they fly about, they cup these legs into the form of a net, and with this net, they scoop up any other flying insect they can catch.  They feed on Flies, Gnats, Mosquitoes, and many others.

    They lay their eggs in the water and these hatch into a nymphal stage that lives under water and breaths through gills.  The nymph feeds on tadpoles, small fish, and other water insects.  It has a hinged tongue-like appendage with sharp, grasping mandibles on the tip.  As the prey gets close, this hinged tongue strikes out extremely fast and grabs the victim.  When the nymph reaches full size, it climbs out of the water on a plant stem.  The back of its exoskeleton splits open, and out climbs the adult dragonfly.

    The adult Dragonfly is fed upon by birds and spiders.

    Dragonflies add beauty, grace, and charm to our world as they flit around the waterways where they feed and lay their eggs.  These magnificent animals should be protected and cherished by man.

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