My boyfriend, whom I loved, broke up with me 19 days ago. I long to be with him once again.
The dream: Nick [my ex] came over my house and told me 'I love you'. I said to him "Why are you saying you love me when you broke up with me like a week ago [even though in real life it's been 19 days]?" Nick said something similar to the fact that he was going through a hard time in his life, and that he does love me. He also said something similar to the fact that why would he lie to me that he loved me when I asked him to tell the truth. And, like usual when he used to come over my house, we started to make-out, which would of led to other things if I didn't wake up.
When I woke up, I was sad the dream had ended, of course.
What do you think the dream is signifying? What I want, the future, a sign?