
What do ducks like to eat?

by Guest32459  |  earlier

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I want to feed the ducks in the park, but I've heard that bread is bad for ducks, so I'm at a loss as to what to feed them.




  1. Bugs :] lol well when we had a duck he thought he was a dog so we fed him dog food. Good luck :]

  2. Here is what mine LOVE:

    1. The biggest thing they want is dog food and cat food. They will take it away from the dogs and cats.

    2. Greens and Veggies.

    3. Oatmeal Flakes

    4. Cherios. It is not good for ducklings, but will not harm adults as long as its not their primary food source.

    5. Sweet Feed. You can get a huge bag very cheap and they love it as a treat.

  3. It's good that you are concerned and don't want to feed them bread, but you really should not feed ducks at the park at all.

    What people don't realize, is that feeding wild ducks that way can harm them more than hurt them. They will stop searching for their own food, and become dependent on humans to feed them (most of whom feed ducks bread and chips). They'll also have a diminished ability to escape predators because they will be too trusting.

    Here's a few articles to explain further:

    Thanks for caring about the ducks!!

  4. Feeding ducks at the park is great!


    cherios,carrots,cat/dog food. anything that lies in that section.

    bread IS bad for ducks, even though they like it so much.

  5. cracked corn.

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