
What do dyslexia means?

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What do dyslexia means?




  1. difficulty reading written language

    For example: transposing letters like who for how, of for for;  or words sometimes seem to float across the page

  2. Google it!!

  3. Dyslexia is caused by the brains in-ability to translate or comprehend written words and or letters correctly into a meaningful language, often mixing up letters such as b's & d's numbers etc.

    Causing problems with reading, writing, spelling and doing basic mathematics, sometimes speech difficulties, sequencing problems etc.

    Types of dyslexia;

    Dysgraphia is specific to person having difficulty in writing down their thoughts and feeling.

    Dyscalculia is specific to difficulty in doing mathematics.

    Dyspraxia causes problems with co-ordination, where the person appears to be clumsy or uncoordinated.

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