
What do each of the Disney theme park princesses/female face characters have to look like?

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I'd like to audition to be a face character this summer. I've looked up a lot of information on this topic, and found more than enough on audition processes, atmosphere characters, and how specific auditioners are. But WHAT are they looking for?

For example:

What are the height requirements for each princess?

What do their face structures have to be?

Eye color, body type, etc.?

Does anyone know?

Thanks in advance :)




  1. it depends on who you audition for. otherwise i have know idea of the exact answer to each character

  2. your best best bet (besides obviously going to an audition to see if they keep you or not) is probably to look up pictures of the disneyland princesses.  and specifically the california ones, as they have the more picky guidelines than a lot of the other parks (since a. they have more people to pick from diversity-wise because it's california and b. less spaces to fill than say florida, which has multiple parks to fill instead of two).

    also, keep in mind that just because you may have dark brown hair doesn't mean you can't pull off a blonde look or vice versa

    heights for princess are 5'3" to 5'7", NOT 5'10", but they can bend the rules if they really like you

    eye colors: blue/green for ariel, cinderella, alice

    for the other face characters, it doesn't really seem to matter.

    body type: nothing specific i think.  just mainy size 2 to size 8 dress size...

    yeah, any more questions, just ask, i'd be happy to help.

    good luck!

  3. The Princesses range in height from about 5'3" (though this is on the short side) to about 5'8" or so. Sometimes they'll be taller than this, though not usually -- the 5'10" height range is usually for villains. If you're on the shorter side, around 5'0" to 5'2" or so, then you'd be considered for Alice and Wendy.

    Face structures vary, but Disney really likes prominent cheekbones. It makes girls look younger and more Disney-like. Really, though, if you look at pictures of the animated princesses, you can see the basic facial structure that they're looking for (for example, Snow White's face is much rounder than the other princesses).

    Body type is taken into consideration. You should be healthy and not overly developed. You don't want to be too physically mature, as most of the princesses are around 16 or so (and Alice and Wendy are only 12). They also do NOT want girls who are too skinny -- they'll pick girls who are slightly overweight before they pick girls who look anorexic. Seriously.

    Eye color usually isn't a problem. I know that a few years ago WDW had their face characters wear colored contacts, but I don't know if they're still doing this. This is usually a small detail that is easily overlooked.

    A little tip: don't go into the audition wearing tons of makeup. They want to see how you look naturally, and visualize how you might look as various different characters. Along the same note, don't go into the audition trying to look like a certain character. I've seen girls get cut for wearing too much makeup and for coming in costume.

    I hope this helped! Good luck!

  4. DISNEYLAND-The audition for the 'face' characters is as follows:

    It starts early in the morning, when you stand outside Ball gate with a couple hundred others, waiting for the line to move forward. They take about 10 people at a time. You walk into the room, and you are simply looked at.(THEY ARE LOOKING FOR SMILES) "Numbers 1,4,6,8 please step forward, everyone else, thank you for coming." Then those lucky numbers come back after all the people have been looked at. They then split the men and women. Men go off to learn a routine and do their dance audition, while the women learn theirs.

    Since there are considerably more women, it is a longer process. You learn the dance to show grace, agility, coordination, improvisation, and the like. It also gives them a chance to see your grace under pressure. Half the women go perform (or however they need to split it to fit them all in). The first half is auditioning, the others are still practicing. The group that is auditioning, well, memory is failing here, but I believe they all do the dance together, then do it in 5's. Numbers are called, the rest are dismissed. Then the process is repeated with the next group.

    While they are auditioning, the wigs come out. The longest process begins with the wigs and makeup people, with numerous women trying on anywhere from 1-4 wigs, with a makeup adjustment for each. You put your wig on, and depending on how many others are ready, you stand in front of the auditioners and they look at you again, usually no more than 3 of you at a time. They stare at you from all angles, as it is hard to look like a cartoon you know. They decide if they like it or not. If they do, then they take a Polaroid, and you put the next one on. If they don't like it, no pic., and you try on the next wig.

    After the wigs are done, they cut you if they didn't see anything they liked. That's where my first hand knowledge ends. The next step I believe is story telling. They give you a story, and you have to tell it as animated as you can. If you don't know it, improvise, which is a big job requirement for most CMs in Entertainment.

    Then another cut is made. I think that is the last one. So, they start with about 200 hopefuls, then they whittle it down to about 120, then about 75, then about 30, and then about 15-20. You gotta be the right body shape, and face shape, and have at least the potential to be shaped into a princess.

    The ones that are hired go through a week long training, which includes makeup. You need to be able to do it yourself on the job. Just heavy stuff. They have color charts as to what color goes where, for which character.

    Heights for the princesses are in the 5'4"-5'10" area, with the exception of Alice, she is about 5'1". Head characters: Donald / Mickey 4'11"-5'2", the shorter ones do both usually, the taller ones do Mickey and chipmunks. Chipmunk: 5'1"-5'3". Pluto 5'6"-5'10" Goofy 5'10-not sure what. Those are the height names, with various characters in each. The tallest is the Beast. Brer Bear is next.

    As for older folks hiring in...there are a number of 'mature aged' (hesitate to call them older, cause they don't act like it!!) Character hosts. Some hire in that way, others have settled into that position after 15 + years.

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