i have had two dreams in the past week, and all have taken place with earth tones (ie. dark browns, tans, etc.). one i had a dream about several of the people at my school dying. they were killed in a bank accident. I live in a small town so stuff like that doesn't happen very often. and two makes it even worse. In real life I had a friend and cousin (same person) accidently killed (he was ran over by a truck, by one of his friends) Well in this dream i said something to the effect of last year my cousin this year these two. I went to school the next day and it was full of earth tones. The other dream i had i worked at walmart and it was a two or more story walmart and i was on one of the upper floors. It was my first day and someone i knew was supervising me and training me. The surrounding was secluded, dark, browns and grays. And I had a relcliner behind my register. I got out of it, but before i did that i leaned back too far and knocked over the register. And some family fought.