
What do eggs do in cookies?

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Some recipes call for two eggs and some call for one. What's the difference? What happens if you put 1 egg in versus 2? What do the eggs do?




  1. makes them tender and holds the cookie together.

    An egg is a liquid but when cooked it solidifies.  So when an egg is baked into a cookie it solidifies in that cookie and holds it together.  

    without eggs your cookie will crumble.  

    and THAT is the way the cookie crumbles.  :0)

  2. it makes cookies more tender, and it can make cookies more chewy and moist, it also adds flavor aside from binding. The amount of eggs in a recipe differ depending on the type of cookie, the texture and the amount of the other ingredients.  

  3. the egg is a blinding agent

  4. Eggs act as a binder and thickener in dough, which cookies are made from

  5. Eggs are a binding agent.

    It depends on the quantities of the batch you are preparing and how much you want them to spread while baking.

  6. Eggs work as a binder and often give a bit of leavening action.

  7. The eggs keep cookies from falling apart and crumbling (same reason you put an egg in meatloaf).  They also make them rise a bit (similar to an omlette).  They're also used as an emulsifier in things like Caesar salad dressing (to keep the oil and non-oil ingredients from separating).

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