
What do elementary school teachers have to do at the end of the school day?

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I'm curious about this because I want to teach elementary and even with all the fieldwork and student teaching I've done in college I still wonder if at the end of the day when all the kids have gone home, is that the end of the day for the teachers as well? Or does the principal expect you to volunteer for after school programs, do you stay in your room and do lesson planning?




  1. Not too sure about elementary, but it couldn't be much different from mid school.  (My mom teaches mid school).  It's mainly saved for lesson plans, grading, and yes, some volunteering.  However, you do the lesson plans and grading on your own time.  Usually teachers do it after school to get it over with, but it isn't mandatory.  

    Sorry I couldn't be more helpful/specific!

    You'll figure it out quickly and set your own schedule once you get into it.  Good luck!

  2. We  have staff meetings after school about once per week.  Department meetings are also after school once per week; this is when all the teachers who teach the same grade and subject meet.  We hold clubs and inturmural sports after school.  All teachers are expected to participate with one club; clubs usually meet twice a month but can be different for different clubs.  Training are also after school; these can vary from test administration trainings to bloodborne pathogens - things that we are required to be trained in annually.  So when you do have an afternoon off from doing one of these things, then you could use the time to catch up on grading papers, doing lesson plans, cleaning ip your room, etc.

  3. I'm an elementary teacher and no our work day doesn't end when the kids go home (most people assume this, so don't worry.) Our contract (in my district) states that we have to remain on campus a minimum of 30 minutes after school's out. Most of us stay longer to grade papers, plan lessons, prep for the next day, etc. We usually do not "volunteer" for after school programs although we do have assigned duties that are handed out at the beginning of the year by the principal. Also, districts generally offer professional development classes after school, which helps when we update our credentials (according to NCLB.) Good luck in your journey! It's a rewarding career. :-)

  4. I'm an elementary school teacher and at the end of the day in my school teachers can either leave or stay and do their own work. The school day ends for students at 3:40 and teachers are required to stay until 3:45. Most of the teachers grade papers, make copies, or do other preparations for events that will happen later in the week. Sometimes we have meetings after school but this typically happens on Wednesdays when the students get out a little earlier.

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