
What do england, scotland, wales, ireland (the 2 ireland) and Australia has in common?

by Guest62950  |  earlier

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  1. What does the 2 Ireland mean? Never heard of that. 2 Australias?

  2. England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are all part of the UK, Australia is Australia...

    They all speak English?

  3. all speak English!

  4. There are not 2 Irelands! There is 1!!

  5. they are anglo-saxon peoples

  6. They where all under control of the British empire at one time.

  7. They're all nearly identical and if your looking for a glib stereotype you won't hear it from me :D

  8. uve been there, they are all under thew queens rule, they are all run by political twats, lol dunno these r the only 3 i can think of

  9. here m8 ders only one ireland not 2

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