
What do everyone that live in Florida think about the new expressway toll lane on I-95?

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A lot of people have been getting into accidents since they put it up, as if Miami is not already congested. Once on the express lane you can't get off expressway until you get to homestead. What do you think about that? DOT of Miami, did not even think to put up signs before you get to the line. You would not know it until its to late, which cause accidents and more money for gas and/or that ticket you will get for trying to switch between the baracades.




  1. If you see two pairs of double yellow lines (that's 4 yellow lines in all) don't cross.  Legally that's the same as a barrier, you're not allowed to cross it.  Ever, anywhere.  Obey the law and you won't get a ticket.  

    See, the problem is a lot of people think it's OK to drive unsafely and break the law just because they are confused and want to go some other direction.  Like the boneheads who take a right turn from the left lane across straight traffic.  What they should do is obey the law and go where the road goes (gosh, a whole dollar of gas wasted) - or break the law with extreme care so they don't get into an accident.   The fact that you're breaking the law is a big hint that you need to be super extra careful.

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