
What do experts think will help the economy?

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What do they think will reduce gas and food prices? Will Obama take care of the economy once if he takes office? If that's the case, how is he going to do it?




  1. The biggest factor that could improve the economy is education of the population on the subject.  An educated public would never have fallen for the get-rich quick, sub-prime loan fiasco.

    An educated public would have forced the auto industry to downsize it's product lines by refusing to buy into the false concept that owning a Hummer equates to true wealth.

    An educated public would have spotted the flawed logic of wasting hundreds of billions of dollars invading Iraq, when it was well known (if you had been paying attention), that those who attacked us were not there.

    It is up to us, but, to quote Walt Kelly, "we have met the enemy, and he is us".

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