
What do farm animals eat?

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I'm writing a novel that takes place partially on a farm. I want to get as much info on the subject as possible. I'm talking animals such as these:






Please help, Thanks!




  1. mostly stuff like straw, hay, fruit eg apples, carrots etc

    chickens like seeds

    hope it helps and good luck with the novel!

  2. It really depends on what kind of farm.

    My horses get an all forage diet meaning they get hay and they have pasture and they get a mineral supplement but no grain.  Horses that are in heavy work, such as draft horses being used to plow or whatever you'd have to grain.  Nowadays this is usually a mix of different grains plus vitamins and minerals.

    With cows it depends on if you're talking about milk cows, or beef cows, young animals or older ones.  Are you talking about a small family farm or a large corporate farm.  Are you talking about feedlot animals or grass fed beef.

    Goats are a bit easier but it does depend on if you're talking about dairy goats or meat goats.  Dairy goats usually get alfalfa hay, as much as they can eat, and a grain mix plus a mineral suppliment and perhaps other suppliments such as black oil sunflower seeds or cotton hulls or whatever.  Meat goats usually are on pasture for part of the year.

    Pigs are another species that's feed differently depending on the kind of farm you're talking about.

    Chickens usually get a pelleted feed if commercial meat or egg birds.  On a small family farm where the birds are around for fun or just to supply the family with meat and eggs they'd probably get a commercial feed of some kind plus kitchen scraps, whole grains, alfalfa, waste milk and cat food.  Or they might just free range and feed themselves.   I'd really have to know what kind of farm you're going to write about to really be able to help.

  3. Mostly hay, apples and chickens peck sunflower seeds.

  4. your horses eat, good quality hay, corn and oats and pasture grass. cows eat pasture grass, quality hay and corn if they are feeders. goats if milking eat good quality hay, goat feed, and grass. pigs eat everything, anything that you can throw to them, no bones, slop, chickens eat cracked corn, chicken feed. all need water.  

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