
What do feminist's do?

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What do you believe, where do you work, how do you promote your cause, do you have meet-ups? Why are most of you so angry?




  1. I believe that men and women should be treated equally and be safe from both de facto and de jure discrimination based on s*x and gender. I believe that gender roles should be reduced. I believe that discrimination against homosexuals and transgendered people is wrong.

    I am an unemployed high school student. I promote my cause as the public relations officer of my high school's g*y-Straight Alliance, and the co-president of my school's feminist club. These groups engage the school and promote awareness for discrimination issues by inviting lecturers and showing movies about discrimination.

  2. I believe all people are equal, and should be treated as such.  I'm a writer, so I work from home.  I am not angry, but I do get disgusted with some of the ignorant attitudes I come across from day to day, especially here.

  3. They spend most of their time pushing the idea that it is women who are oppressed, whilst doing nothing about, or supporting, the following.

    Its all about a mothers rights, but no fathers rights. The new family unit is now defined as a mother and her children.

    Women being treat like princesses in prison and men being treat like animals. Female prison guards humiliate and degrade men, but female prisoners get privacy and respect from male prison guards.

    Bodily choice for women, but forced genital mutilation for baby boys, referring to womens rights to their bodies in terms of abortion, but boys being circumcised without choice.

    Female reporters allowed in men’s locker rooms, but privacy and respect for female athletes. Very strange definition of equality that feminsim was very vocal about as being equal rights. Is this an example of the respect that feminists claim MEN dont have for WOMEN?

    Its women getting everything in a divorce, and men being torn away from their children

    Female s*x offenders being slapped on the wrist, but male s*x offenders being incarcerated the rest of their lives

    Its men being sentenced to more time for the same crime than women. This can be reserached under the US government and shows that women dont get held accountable to the level that men do.

    Its a feminized education system that cripples natural behavior of boys, makes being male a crime in school, then girls claiming they are smarter.

    Its women being allowed to drown five children and using the fact she is a woman to get away with it - Andrea Yates

    Its women being allowed to use domestic violence as an excuse to murder a sleeping husband, even though there is no evidence of domestic abuse - Mary Winkler

    Its the extensive abuse of restraining orders to villify an innocent men and get leverage in a divorce.

    Its men being jailed for defending themselves against an abusive wife, but called a wimp if he takes the abuse

    Its women demanding respect from men, but never having to respect them in return

    Its women having the choice between abortion, adoption, dropping an unwanted baby off at a hospital, raising the child with a father, or raising the child without a father, but the only choice men have is to agree.

    Its 3 innocent Duke Lacrosse players losing their lives because we dont ever think a woman could lie about rape - let alone prosecute her for doing so.

    Its women labeling men as abusive when the US government has shown women cause more child abuse than men.

    Its female rape being horrendous, but male rape being funny and made in to comedy movies. Male rape is a legally accepted part of the justice system, but only against men.

    Its just about every TV show being allowed to humiliate and degrade men, but women complaining and calling it sexist if they were treated the same.

    It’s more health care spending going towards women’s health than mens.Breast cancer receives 7 times the funding of prostate cancer. There are three departments of womens health in the US government, but none for men. However, men live an average of 5 years less than women when the genders used to have the same life span.

    Its allowing women only clubs and banning men only clubs

    It’s doing everything we can to help girls in math and science, but letting boys fall further behind in everything else.

    It’s defining equal pay for equal work as men playing five sets of tennis, but women only playing three. Maybe women claiming 3=5 is the reason for the above point

    Its cutting men’s sports in college in favor of women’s sports that have no interest

    Its female murderers being mentally ill, but male murderers just being evil

    Its claiming men walk out on their family when its actually women who file 80% of divorces

    Its men being portrayed as evil, stupid or buffoons on TV and all women being perfect or superior.

    Its women wanting equality for their gender, but men being called chauvinist pigs when they want equality for their gender

    Its fixing the education system when girls are failing, and blaming the boys when boys are failing

    Its women being allowed to level false accusation against an innocent man without consequence. Read Duke Lacrosse and many other examples. Feminism has installed this right to women through the courts.

    Its a man being a chauvanist, sexist pig when he doesnt respect women, but a women who doesnt respect men is an admirable, strong and independant woman.

    Its feminists not being able to provide one example of legal discrimination against women today.

  4. Offer free grammar lessons to other women on Yahoo Answers.

  5. I'm not a feminist but I have to cut in, this is a CLASSIC example of what I was trying to say about people answering. You ask the question directly at feminists, yet most of the answers are from NON-feminists...

  6. See, that's how you get a lot of negative energy directed ~ you ask a perfectly reasonable question, then spoil it by *assuming* people have some feelings or emotions you know about.

    You don't know anything about me, and pretending you do makes me amused, not angry.

    As for the rest, I work in a small but active international not-for-profit organisation, and belong to a number of different groups and organisations some of which are feminist or women's liberation groups and some of which are other activities I'm interested in (such as Amnesty international and an LGBT group) which have a social justice focus but which are not primarily feminist.

    About three times a month I go along to a meeting of some kind, and also do a lot of stuff online for the groups I belong to.

    I believe that every person has the right to decide how they want to live and how to accomplish that, that women throughout history and around the globe today have been and are being denied that right solely on the basis of gender, and that if we as a species want to reach out into the stars we need to think about developing all our human resources regardless of born attribute.

    I believe that we live in a world where many people have more than they need and many more have less, and I believe there are various systemic reasons for that which can be addressed and changed.

    I also believe this process will take a longer time than I have on the planet. I believe a lot of other stuff, too, but that'll do for starters.

    Cheers :-)

  7. The fact that K S's excellent and fact filled answer got low rating shows just hoy sexist and hypocritical feminism really is. Everything that he wrote about the misandrous sexism of feminism is absolutely true. The low ratings show that feminists HATE the truth, and CANNOT debate/refute it.

    Feminism IS sexism.

  8. That men and women are equal, we may have small differences but that does justify treating one group better then another.  That gender standards can not be held to an individual, and hurt both sexs.  

    I owned a property management real estate development company.  Go to school full time to get my masters in history.

    I've promoted feminism oversea, writing a true history book, and currently working with a group of men and women to create a new moderate non label power group for all gender rights.

    most meet ups are over the phone or chatting online, but yes I have attended conferences and meeting.

    Some feminist are angry but very few, most are just passionate...they know what they belief and bashing it isn't acceptable.  We face a lot of opposition, most is based in ignorance and hate it's self.

  9. I believe in equality and choice.

    I work at a radio station.

    I promote by cause by posting on this forum.

    We haven't had a meet-up in person yet, but we're thinking about it.

    We're not angry, but if you want to make us angry, this is a good way to go.

    EDIT: I've been fully awake for two years. Don't patronize me.

  10. they complain alot!!
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