
What do feminists want besides getting paid as much as a man?

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What do feminists want besides getting paid as much as a man?




  1. Basicly, all their own way, when they start forming queues to go down sewers to shovel ****,and similar dirty jobs,  they might get my vote with regard to equal pay but not until.

  2. I just want to be seen as a full human being and not as a joke. I don’t want to be more than a man or less than a man. I want men and women to appreciate each other in their differences and their likeness. I want humanists to adopt a larger role in society. Humanity, equality for all the people; it is we: everything and everyone is all.

  3. equal pay

    equal opportunity

    to not be sexually harassed at work

    (and preferably not anywhere, but especially not at work)

  4. to be equal, to have the same rights, to be respectable in the society.

  5. They want to work less than men but still get paid equally, a woman president even though women never run for president, and policies that favor women but call it equality.

  6. Equal Attendance and also The Respect of Everyone

  7. Many I think want decent treatment.

    Many dont - they want to demonise men.

    Many dont they want to have more.

    Which variety of feminist? there are so many.

    And do you mean the sort of feminist they claim to be or the sort they are judged to be?

  8. to be paid equally, to be treated equally, to be able to become the pope (if they want.) to get rid of sexist ideals for women to be just a mans s*x-toy. and we just want equality.

  9. We just want to be treated with respect and not as if were some lower life form. Also comments that degrade, or make woman sound weaker then or dumber then men do p**s us off. We want to be treated with a higher view, opinion, and thought in general for a change. We shouldn't have to ask it should be expected once in a while.

  10. If in a relationship and both parties work full time that both do 50% of the household duties.  I work full time as my husband does (even get paid more than he does) and I end up doing probably 85% of everything else that needs to be done.  I think it's terrible how some guys want their wives to work to add to the family income and expect them to do all of the so called "womans work" also.  Makes for a lot of fried out tired woman.  Then guys wonder why we're too tired for anything else they may want/expect us to do.

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