
What do feminists want to gain from their politacal stance?

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The same thing is going on to men. I just want everyoone to understand the roles that both sexes play. I understand some of the ideas I just belive that a lot of women take it to extremes leaving our men behind. We`do not need to do the same thing thay did. Why not be creative?




  1. Who says we want to gain anything? If you claim to believe in something because you expect a reward for it, chances are you don't believe in it at all.

    EDIT: And, furthermore, there are no "roles" anymore. Men and women alike should be able to do whatever they want without worrying about how masculine or feminine it is.

  2. Now that women have the right to vote and to go to college, feminists now maintain their stance to see that men do not backslide.  Feminists want equal pay for equal work.  Believe it or not, there are still factories in which a woman standing next to a man and doing the EXACT same job is being paid less than the man is being paid.  Why is that? That is the main cause for which feminists fight.

    They also work to keep women's rights in the forefront of lawmakers' minds when considering legislation and funding as it affects programs that help women start businesses, protect them from abuse and discrimination, and go for the big head honcho kinds of jobs; and that sort of thing.

  3. Respect.

    I don't know generation you belong to, and so maybe my view of what a feminist is, as a teenager, is different than yours.

    When I think of a feminist I don't think of a someone who burns her bra or shouts at protests until her voice is gone, though I respect women who've done that. My definition of a feminist is someone who realizes that women are as bright, talented and capable as men are, and insists on being treated as such. A feminist is someone who refuses to tolerate being belittled or demeaned because she is a woman, and insists on the full rights that men are entitled to.

    Some women might chose to work in a typically male-dominated field, and I don't believe most do so because they want to kick men out of it, but because they believe they have the ability to contribute to that field and it is fulfilling to them. My mom is a neurosurgeon, and I don't think she chose that field just to prove a point or tick men off. She's brilliant, capable, and compassionate, and has saved many lives. She should have every right in this world that a man does.

    She's taught me to be a critical thinker, to crave knowledge, and never allow myself to be taken advantage of or slighted because I'm a girl. She's taught me to have a backbone. This doesn't mean I don't love guys, or that I want to be just like them.

    The definition of a feminist is someone who supports the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. I fail, as a young woman, to see why anyone would ever find fault in that.

    Men can be feminists, too, you know, and I think all should be. A real man supports and believes in women, sees their differences, and sees them as equals.


    : )

  4. "I just want everyoone to understand the roles that both sexes play."

    You go play a "role" if you want. I prefer to live my life as I please and avoid "roles."

  5. Mom  women are commonly paid less because the naturally stronger men are able to achieve higher work outputs.  Is that unfair?  Particularly in menial labor intensive jobs.

    EDIT:  Wow Baba Yaga... come up with that one all by yourself?  I didn't bring up the area of manufacturing.  Just because you can't accept the truth doesn't mean you have to be rude about it.

  6. Please, Nikki, enlighten us. What roles should men play and what rules should women play?

    And if we don't play them the way you want us to should we be kicked off the stage?

    I, as a feminist, want everyone to be able to get a great education so they know how to spell political correctly.

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