
What do flight attendants say when the plane is getting close to the destination?

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When you're like five minutes away, and they make you fasten your seat belt for the decent? I need to know for a story I'm writing, and can't for the life of me remember what they say.




  1. Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies and gentlemen, we have started our descent in preparation for landing, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their fully upright position. Please make sure your seat belt is securely fastened until the plane comes to a halt and all carry-on luggage is underneath the seat in front of you.

    Please switch off any electronic devices you may have until the captain has switched off seat belt sign. The flight attendants are currently passing by the cabin to pick up any remaining items which may have.

    Cabin crew 5 minutes till landing, 5 minutes!

  2. Gee we hope this pilot makes a better landing than the last one he did!Just kidding lol.They usually tell you return all the tray tables to the stowed position and return all the seat backs to the upright position.Make sure all your carry on bags are stowed under the seat and to keep your seatbelt fastened and stay in your seat til the plane comes to a complete stop at the gate.They should add sorry you can't afford to put your kid through college now because of the cost of a ticket.

  3. Good evening ladies and gentlemen we the Captain has announced our final descent into "destination city". Flight attendants will be around one last time to pick up any trash you may have. We ask at this time that your tray tables are safely secured in preparation for landing and that all electronic devices are turned off until we have reached the gate. Thank you for flying with us today and we hope to see you on a future flight.  

  4. They usually say whatever the airline wants them to say.

    But I think they say something like:

    Ladies and Gentlemen, we're 5 minutes from our destination. Please fasten your seat backs and make sure your lap trays are up and your seat backs in the full upright position.

    Please turn off all electrical devices until we're at the terminal.

    We will arrive on schedule local New York time 7:58 pm. The termperature is reported to be 75 degrees F with a small chance of light rain.

  5. Ladies and gentlemen, we have started our descent/in preparation for landing, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Please turn off all electronic devices until we are safely parked at the gate.  The flight attendants are currently passing around the cabin to pick up any remaining cups and glasses.

  6. We have just lost power to all engines! Put your head between your legs and kiss your **** goodbye!!!!!!!!!

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