
What do french people think about germans.?

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pls answer only if u are french or u are living in france




  1. Just after the WW2 you can guess that french people didn't like german people at all.

    Nowadays, it has changed. Germany is the first commercial partner of France. Germany and France were the two first great countries to build Europe.

    French people recognize that German industry is good. The richest french people like to buy German cars. It's a sign a good taste for quality.

    About the personal appreciation, french people consider german people like very well organised, best than french people. But most of french people think they are more inventive to resolve problems.

    The common idea is that German people are better than French together, but French people are better one by one.

    Hope I answered to your question in the right way.

  2. I am from Alsace, and I like Germans, they are our neighbors and friends, now!

    My grand parents begged to differ, but I think that at the end of their life they saw the difference between the people now and the ones they knew when they were young adults. I had several German pen pals when young and they were always welcomed in my home, even though my grand parents were kicked out of their home and displaced to the South of France in 1940 by the German regime of that period.

    I guess that is what we call forgiveness.

    Right now I feel that French and German and definitively complementary and should work even more together to build a stronger and better Europe.

    I am biaised, having grown up so close to the border, I love the language (surprising no?), visiting the castles in Bade Wurtemberg...I even married one!!!

    The only thing is the food, I have a hard time with it, the fashion too is somewhat odd. It seems that Germany is 10 years late in the cuts of outfits.

    But I love the arts, the German designs especially furniture and cars!

    Hope this helps

  3. Both socialist, difference.

  4. Nothing in particular.

    I like germans. They are more like us than italians or spanish or even english ares...

  5. for this question age matters.

    to my mother they are "the damned germans" and she does NOT like them AT ALL.

    to younger people they don't remember the germans massacring whole towns so they're more tolerant.

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