
What do freshwater albino frogs eat??

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i got one freshwater albino frog from the pet store. i dont know what it eats. i dont want it to die from starvation.




  1. In the future, ask the people at the pet store. They would know.  

  2. Feed the frog roughly three times a week, but don't stint on the portions. These frogs subsist mainly on live food and have very strong hunting instinct. They can and will eat anything they can fit in their sizable mouths, though it can often be the death of them. Don't give them tetras or feeder goldfish as they contain an indigestible enzyme which can give your frog serious trouble. Instead give them blood worms, mosquito larvae, earthworms, tubifex worms, live ghost shrimp, beefheart brine shrimp, shrimp pellets, and live guppies. They will readily stuff themselves, but don't worry about feeding them too much; they have enough sense to stop before they harm themselves. With these instructions your Albino Frog should live long and happy lives.

  3. You should ask the pet store.

  4. ask the petstore

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