
What do gerbils like to eat?

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i have three gerbils named corpsegrinder, scarred throat, and evil clown... what do them lil cannibals like to eat? x)




  1. um...gerbil food. if they are like mice i give my mice moths and they attack them and love to chase them its pretty cute.

  2. so here is a real answer compared to the stupid answers other ppl gave. hope this helped.

    Types of Gerbil Diets

    Seed Mixes: These are loose mixes of seeds, sometimes with pellets or dried vegetables added. Most of these will be nutritionally balanced, but only if your gerbil eats everything in the mix. The downside: many gerbils will pick out their favorite bits and leave the rest, which can lead to a dietary imbalance if there are components your gerbils consistently avoid. This may be expecially true if there are lots of sunflower seeds in the mix, which are often favored but are quite fatty and alone are not a good diet. Because loose seed mixes don't insure a complete and balanced diet, they are not ideal as the sole component of the diet.

    Pellets or Lab Blocks: these have the advantage of being nutritionally balanced. Pellets are smaller and lab blocks are the larger chunks of food. Both are good, although some people believe the lab blocks are the most ideal because of thorough scientific research behind them, and the lab blocks are now being packaged for the pet market. Unlike loose mixes, the gerbils can't pick and choose which components they eat so the blocks and pellets assure a balanced diet. However, this type of diet offers little variety or interest so while pellets or blocks make a good basic diet, some supplementation is recommended.

    A Varied Diet is Best

    Feeding pet gerbils a combination of foods helps to overcome the disadvantages of the different kinds of diets. A pelleted or block diet can form the balanced base of the diet, while a loose seed mix and other treats add interest and variety. You want to make sure gerbils eat enough of the pellets or blocks to get the nutritional benefit, so don't feed too much of the seed mix or other treats though. I would also recommend avoided seed mixes with sunflower seeds and reserving those as special treats (very helpful in taming and training).

    Treats and Supplements

        * Small amounts of fresh vegetables or fruits, in very limited amounts at first to prevent diarrhea. Make sure all vegetables and fruits are well washed and pesticide free. You can try items such as carrots, broccoli, dandelion greens, apples, and berries. Avoid raw kidney beans, raw potato, onion, potato leaves, or rhubarb leaves.

        * nuts (sparingly; high in fat)

        * sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds (sparingly; high in fat)

        * whole grain bread (plain or toasted)

        * breakfast ceral (unsweetened types only)

        * raisins, currents

        * small bits of cheese

        * small amounts of egg (scrambled or boiled)

        * occasional mealworms

        * occasional dog biscuits (good for chewing)

    If you want to give your gerbils a treat, try things like Cheerios and Rice Krispies cereals (nothing with artificial flavor, sugar, or marshmallow). They also enjoy the occasional peanut, but those are very fatty. They also like an apple, carrot, and lettuce, but remove it after one day and don't give it to them too often. You might want to give a large piece (say half an apple) to gnaw on for a few hours then remove it. Small pieces can get lost in the bedding and rot.

  3. let me see.....hamster food? no....rat food? no....oh ya, GERBIL FOOD!!!!!!!! ROFL!!! DUH!!! What else would they eat?

  4. For just everyday food, hamster/gerbil mixes like Nutriphase. :)

  5. gerbils LOVE strawberries!! but don't give them strawberries all the time.  

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