
What do germans generally think about americans?

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pls answer me only if u are from germany




  1. We, well back in the days when I grow up in germany, we always called americans "zupfer" (does anybody remember that?) anyway basiclly they don't drive good at all and are loud and wild and think everything is funny and stupid, whenever we see americans and they act weired, we said oh stupid american.

    Nothing personal, thats just how we grew up. Now (20years later) I hear from my nephews that they think americans are cool and they love everything from or about america. The teens there want to be like the americans.

  2. Why only from Germany what about Americans that have been their and lived there?

    I think I should know how I was treated while living their..=]

    In all honesty I was treated very well. Sure the German PEOPLE not government may not like what the USA Government always does but they do not with their own govt also. I am sure most of them know we are not much different then them and rarely does the government truly represent the people.

    I have more friends in Germany than I do in the USA and I'm Native Bostonian.

    My German friends have told me that where as they like many things in the USA there are some things of course they do not like. It is not much different in mind frame than us really.

    I just met a new German friend recently and we see very much eye to eye on many things yet I am from USA and he Germany.

    So if you are worried about them hating Americans they do not, only a rare few do, those that protest against the US are not really against the people but the government actions no more than we do here at home ourselves.

    Hope that helps.

    Well Geier I have not met you but since on this board I have made two new German friends one I talk to regularly, Hilmar and seeing I have roughly 30+ friends throughout Germany would indicate to me that the average German judges each American based on who they are and their merits. Sure if they are a fat burger eating pig with no open mind you are correct, but if those are the only ones you have met then are surely have missed out in my opinion. If we are so fat and stupid overall why are we a superpower still? No you can not compare American Pride to n**i Pride. Our Allegiance is to OUR COUNTRY not the Government or any ONE individual with n**i Pride it was Allegiance to ONE Fanatical Man only, that is not the same. He made people swear allegiance to HIM not Germany. I personally think every citizen of any nation should be proud to be who they are and not feel shamed because of the nation they were born into. You are who you choose to be internally and no one can take that from you. So maybe you and your friends have met those kinds of Americans but my German friends have met Americans such like myself who can speak your language and learned your culture and am very well travelled world wide. So I do not agree with Geier assessment of how Germans look at Americans over all. Yes many are upset over Iraq but again they know the difference between the people and the government and when more than 50% of the USA wants him out too and the war over should show we agree as a people!! I hope this makes sense to you Geier I am not trying to argue with you, only point out that Americans over all are not as you think they are, sure some are but then again some Germans are Skin Heads too making them no smarter so we all have our negative sides but most average Americans are not ignorant to the world and yes the Dollar has declined reducing the amount of travellers to Europe now but I think more has to do with fear of terrorism and then their pockets that are keeping peple more at home than travelling these days. Americans love to travell Geier. I hope you take this positively and not negatively for I do not mean it towards you in any negative way I hope we are on the same page.

    (Why should it be for German's only if you have been there and know how you have been treated and this is hardly about 2points or 10 I don't care about points) US National Pride is NOT the same as n**i Pride simple as that!

  3. What does the general German think about the general U.S.-American... That there are inteligent people in the U.S. as well as stupid people, some who support Bush and some who don't, some who know how to drive in snow and ice and some who don't and some who think German girls are easy and some who think they aren't.

    You just can't say!!!!! Some people on here will tell you Germans think all Americans are stupid, loud, drunk, s*x-crazy and support G.W. Bush. But than you could say all Germans are narrow-minded, beer-drinking, sauerkraut-eating diligent workers who are never late and stress on the details.

    Just don't go for "general" opinions! There's nothing to be gained from that!

  4. There is no such thing as the general German neither the general American we all are individuals.

    To me it is neither nationality nor race nor religion that matters to me is the PERSON !!

    There are good and bad people everywhere in the world regardless of their nationality race or religion.

    And please stop spreading questions which imply stupid stereotypes.

    @JJ Did you ever come across germans in another country they are much louder than Americans and I really traveled a lot!

  5. to me, americans seem to have hearing difficulties, 'cause it's only the american tourists who you can hear talking (rather yelling) at the other end of a train station, restaurant or across the street, etc....

    edited to add: I AM german, from BERLIN to be exact....

    but i'll take it as a compliment....

    my english is "too good" i guess....

  6. American in Germany here.... most Germans have no problem with Americans. They might not like the politics of the US, but they have nothing against Americans who appear intelligent.

    As the dollar is so low now, there are hardly any tourists from the US here, so the contact in Germany to US tourists is really low.

    What Germans don't like are people who have no idea about their country and only compare Germany to the times of WWII and such. Germany's a modern country with a lot to offer.

  7. geier55 Americans patriotism is why they still exist, while Germany slowly turns into the Islamic Republic of New Turkey. Have some pride, you hurt your family name

  8. not good anymore.. since the iraq war, the germans start hating the americans. they think the americans stick there nose in everything.

    well also the americans think they are something better in this world. back stabbers, fat and the germans hate the politic in the usa.

    ok i have to say, not all the germans think like that, maybe 30%.

  9. i am an American and live in Germany and i can tell you for sure,tourists will be tolerated and the Germans would only want to talk about bush and politics.and many,MANY people hate americans.if you speak english they look at you and turn up their noses

  10. Well, i don't know how i would think about americans if i haven't been there.

    Since i spent some month in the USA i might have a clue: Some of those americans who never left their country might have weired thoughts about the rest of the world. Asked by a lady if we do have pizza in europe gives you an idea of my confusion about that question. Don't get me wrong, i do know that the majority of american people are open minded but unfortunatelly some aren't.

    It's rather a question about the social origin than a general question.

    In conclusion: I think that the opinion of americans about germans are some how more positiv that the other way 'round due to the fact that a lot of americans spent some time here for army duties.

    As long as someone haven't been to america there is no justification about saying anything pro or contra about any country of the world.

    @Lisa: I feel sorry for you making those experiences in our country. I think you shouldn't take it personally since you are just a "stranger" for some of those germans you met. I love to meet foreign tourists in my area (south bavaria) for instance. I'd love to live next to one of the american army bases to get in touch with you guys - maybe also for the reason to convince you that there are some polite people living here. (and to listen to your local army radio stations hehe) ;-)

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