
What do ghosts do all day?

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I was just watching "A Haunting" on Discovery, and started wondering: what do ghosts do all the time, when they're not freaking people out? I mean, if they're around to scare the c**p out of people, then they're around all the time...what else do they do...what is their typical routine? This is meant as a somewhat serious, if anyone on here is an *expert* on ghosts, what's the going consensus?





  1. Idk lol. I'm no expert but maybe they go to the place that they died and just sort of "hang out". Or maybe they go to cemeteries. Good question. Sorry I couldn't help.

  2. Being a paranormal researcher and investigator Does not mean I am an expert but it does mean that I am very knowledgeable..... And spirits do the same thing that they do every day 24/7.... For spirits are not known for having much of an imagination...Simply because they are dead and no longer have thought.... Now the only other spirits that do have thoughts and can control their actions are Angels and the entire class of demons which consist 2943 known different forms of demons............ So for every occasion they have a specific demons to do that certain job........................................

  3. One theory is they hang out in crowded places, bus/train stations, airports, colleges, theatres, etc. - places where there are lots of living people hanging around.  We living generate energy.  Ghosts need energy to "function" for lack of a better word, because they are pure energy at that point and can get drained or "run-down" - kind of like a rechargeable battery, it may run out of energy but it will work properly again if recharged.  The more energy they can draw in, the easier it is for them to manifest.

    So, it'd be too quiet for them in cemetaries - though it is believed that most who have passed on will attend their own burial before crossing over.  Ghosts are those spirits who have not crossed over and remained earthbound for whatever reason - they still feel strongly tied to their physical lives, feel they need to look after their loved ones, have unfinished business they are trying to communicate to the living, may have died an unexpected violent death and are seeking justice, fear what awaits them on the "other side", etc.

    It's not always their intent to "scare the c**p out of people" - many are simply trying to find ways to communicate with the physical world.

  4. You must be more specific because most of us have ghost that are with us but we fail to acknowledge them.  These ghost just follow us around and wait for a signal to make themselves known.  

  5. Ghost s*x hanging out??  

  6. I'm no expert. I can only speculate. I honestly BELIEVE that ghost have some sort of conscious because they are aware of what there doing. Also, there have been people that say they are able to communicate to the dead. Which means that they indeed hold knowledge of some sort... Said that, I would say ghost wander around to and from the earth just like you and me. Whether they socialize I don't know the dead do seem to be interested in contacting the living as we do to they in vice versa. Ghost are scary, whether they are good spirits or bad. I would love to know the answer but I don't know that much esp. what they do all day. Maybe there just bored since who knows they don't have any computers or video games or newspaper to read/play; maybe they do.

  7. I was going to reply that many ghosts sit around all day, watch TV and frequently m********e, but then I saw your request for your question to be handled seriously.

    I am not an expert.  Have never seen a ghost.  But I suspect they are in the same category as "if a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"  Ghosts apparently cannot exist without there  being living  human counterparts to (willingly)  perceive them.

    *Edit 1*

    Now, now.  Ghosts have better things to do than haunt the material world.  What would be the purpose?  The closest argument for their existence would be that scene in Stanley Kubrik's "The Shining" when the great Scotman Crothers explains to Danny  that the phenomenen is like the "lingering smell of burn toast" long after it's been thrown away.

  8. I believe they HAUNT...after all, what else is there to do...

  9. there are a few good theories, a lot my own lol

    1) ghost of people are not really the people but merely an energy imprint of that individual left behind when they die. therefore it is only existent when you see it other than that it is not material or metaphysical in any way.

    2) spirits live beyond time and space, so in our many many days only seconds could pass for them, which is why so many are very confused and don't know they are dead for so long making it hard to pass on.

    3) some spirits do have the ability to associate with each other as in the cases of multiple haunting's, but i think there are certain rules. i personally think most spirits don't realize other spirits due to their own confusion and when they do they would see them as a living person would see a ghost. so im saying i think most ghost see other ghosts as "ghosts" to them.

    4) human spirits die and move on, there are no "human" spirits here and those entities that are, are malignant and fill their time with activities just as we would. they either cause trouble or appear to cause trouble due to their limited application to our time/space. maybe they are not purposely throwing things across rooms so much as our reality and theirs don't sync up exactly; therefore they are holding something in their realm but it goes flying across a room in ours.

  10. What do ghosts do all day?

    Depends on the ghost.

    You can belive me or not but they are real, whether people like to belive it or not, (personally, I would love to be able to be a non-beliver, but I don't have that privlage.) I have been seeing them since I was about two years old and let me tell you, there is one heck of a spectrum! I've known children, and their parents, teens that have been left to die... car wreck victims, they don't look like they do in the movies. There's NO change at all to their apperance. But what they do all day seriously depends on the individual, just as it would in life.

    If you want to know more just email me.

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