
What do girls like about Abs?

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You know.. I have always wondered about this... Lol I dont know.. I have abs and i look into the mirror or whatever and im like.. whats so special about this? Lol Okay I have lines on my stomach! YAA! Ahaha =P




  1. it means your fit and really athletic

    + its really s**y ;]

  2. It means you take care of yourself and train.

  3. Really, I don't care if guys have abs or not. Just no fat rolls :P But it shows that you're in shape and stuff ^^ and it is sort of funny when you try to poke them in the gut, your finger hits hard abs *yes, I poke my guy friends like that from time to time and I laugh when I find out they have abs*. But nah, they aren't really special or anything

  4. these girls really know nothing about physical health and training do they lol

    ANYBODY can have abs, we all have abs actually, but most people have a layer of fat that covers them, doesn't mean you're in shape or train all the time or any any fitter than some fat people just because you have abs showing, it just means you have low body fat, simple as that.

    and now to you question, i personally think its this:

    if a girl doesn't like someone and is trying to make them get lost, the first two things they attack is the person's looks, or their if you have abs showing, the girl has nothing to use against you, so she is forced psychologically to like you, regardless of your looks.

  5. idk, maybe its pure muscle on the stomach, and more muscle on the stomach=more of a swift thrusting motion with the hips, if you know what i mean. :P

  6. its better than a beer belly (:

    and having abs means you're in shape and fit

  7. hollywood stars have them (roids) so they think its good

  8. They are s**y! Girls don't like it when guys have fat folds, now do they? LOL

    Lucky boy, u! Since you have abs, I'm already interested! Ha ha

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