
What do girls think about mustaches?

by Guest44656  |  earlier

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Stupid question but i've always wondered. Do you prefer guys with or without them?




  1. So s**y!  

  2. Ugh, i can't stand mustaches. A five o'clock shadow looks great on some guys if they have dark hair, but i really really don't like mustaches. But idk, my boyfriend grew a small beard on his chin and i didn't think i'd like it, but when i saw it I absolutely loved it. So maybe it depends on the guy, but mustaches are a different matter lol.


    never ever have a mustache.

    beards are okay makes u look like a macho tough guy

    but mustache


  4. not digging them

    only johnny depp can carry it off

  5. hears a question i no i can answer! i HATE them ew there really gross and they scratch your face to pieces if they kiss you. NEVER have one!!!!!

  6. eww deffo without!

  7. So woman do rule the world, it's pretty sad, since men have had moustaches & beards for thousands of years. Nowadays you cant get laid if you have one. I would'nt mind having a moustache but I suppose we have to suffer just like women do.

  8. i like them if its part of a go-tee..[how ever you spell it] it gives men that mature look but by itself not so much

  9. without

  10. Prefer guys without them, definitely. ;P

  11. Without

    a five o'clock shadow can be s**y if its done right though.

  12. with

  13. without!

  14. No no no no no no no but stubble is ok!

  15. I'm probably going to get told off, but my husband reckons they are g*y c*ck

  16. You girls who prefer without, just tell them to ******* shave

  17. I don't like them.

  18. Majority ruling says... girls dont like them. If you have one and we like you... We might just let it go... for now... but it's likely we'd pester you about it.

    But of course, thats just my opinion ;P

  19. I personally cant stand them, im suddering just thinking about them............  But then some girls like them

  20. withoutt. i dont like that at all lol but heyy whatever floats yourr boat :)

  21. with out them lmao


  23. without! unless its kinda of a rugged 5 o'clock shadow on the whole lower face but NEVER a mustache!

  24. I'll ask my Mum tomorrow, she was around in the 70's (same time as moustaches).

  25. i hate them

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