
What do goths believe in?

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What do goths believe in?




  1. It depends.

    I know a goth neighbor that believes in god, goes to church, & is friendly.

    Not all goths can be stereotyped by the way they look and the music they listen to.

    I don't even think it's cool to label yourself.  

  2. Black hair

    Black mascara

    Black clothes

    surprisingly not Black people

  3. Im not sure but beating the h**l out of the Romans would come fairly high on their list

  4. Goth is not a religion!!

    They believe in anything they want!!

    They're open minded!!;)

  5. I love Robert L's answer

  6. That they are going against the norm and are sooooooooooo different then everyone else. When in fact they are every every other Goth kid that thinks they are sooooooooo different. Sorry I just think this is so funny.


  7. Nothing really, that is like a fashion thing really and a music. They are just like every body else except for emo's, they have a s***load of problems, lol.

  8. That totally depends on the person!

    Being goth is a culture, an identity and a particular sense of style.

    It has nothing to do with religion whatsoever.

    And I am SOOO tired of the "all goths are satanists" stereotype..

    <Sigh>. Not true at all! (Though, of course some of them are.)

    My best friend identifies herself as goth, and she's a wiccan. Other goths are christians, atheists, agnostics, muslims, deists, buddhists, hindus, pantheists, you name it...

    I don't think there is ONE universal thing that every goth believes in. Except from being themselves and being able to wear whatever the f... they like, perhaps. ;) And actually, I agree to that too. Yay, uniqueness!!

  9. depends on the goth

  10. It depends,  I am a goth, and I am nice, I like normal music not weird goth music, and I have a positive way of looking at things.  I belive in god, I am smart, and funny, but some goths are not like that

  11. I don't think it's a belief system as such, more a fashion statement/lifestyle (black, all black, eyeliner etc etc) but they have "goth bands" which seem to be bands who dress like that, shout a lot and seem fairly dissatisfied with their lot in life. And piercings... they like them ;)

    When I was a teenager, i had a few too many piercings, dyed my hair black, wore only black and grumped around a lot.

    But I wasn't a "goth", it was just a severe case of teenage angst.

  12. dark music... dark clothes...  victorian era lace?

    Whatchu mean "What do goths believe in"? I think it would be ridiculous to attempt to label every person who dresses as goth in the same fel swoop.

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