
What do greenhouse gases do, when in the atmosphere?

by  |  earlier

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can you please explain it simply so that i can understand it

Much appreciated :)




  1. Basically, they store the warmth - like a greenhouse ;)

    We receive warmth from the sun, it bounces of the earth surface (warming it) and then goes back into space. What the greenhouse gasses do is trap some of that warmth that is bouncing of into space in order to make the earth warmer.

    That's why we need a certain amount of greenhouse gasses - without any gasses, we'd have a mean temperature of somewhere below zero !

    Hope that helped, for more information check for example.  :)

  2. they kill the earth


    ... those nastay greenhouse gases get all up in the atmosphere and when the sun is warming the earth, the rays are supposed to come in & leave,

    but w/ all the greenhouse gases in that atmosphere of ours from our nastay cars, factories, etc. it's blocking the way for the heat to be released back, so it's warming the earth & causing global warming & killing all the polar bears & melting all the icebergs & now we're all going to suffer :D



  3. 1. hold in the heet.

  4. Gases in the atmosphere like carbon dioxide,water vapour,ozone,methane, nitrous oxide etc act like a glass in a greenhouse ,traps the sun's heat that is reflected by the surface and prevent it from escaping into space.So,the atmosphere near the surface is always warmer.This phenomenon is called greenhouse effect.It has been estimated that if there is no such greenhouse effect,the average temperature near the surface would have been -18(minus 18) degree celcius in which case the earth will be more colder to live.

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