
What do ground hogs like to eat?

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i hav a ground hog under my shed and i hav a trap set up with carrots in it right now. any other suggestions?




  1. When I first saw your question, I wanted to respond "MY GARDEN!!!"  

    Try apples, and place the trap along their little "highways" - you can see the paths that they travel most frequently - they'll actually wear a path across the grass.

    Are you livetrapping?  I've had an easier time with those that some of the other, more brutal methods of trapping.  

    My property borders a couple of acres that have turned into a groundhog condo.  They breed over there, build more condos under the other neighbor's outbuilding on the other side, and eat their way across my property in the process.  I have no choice but to trap (and occasionally chase them with my mower).  A little more horsepower and I wouldn't need the trap...

  2. You can put bubble gum near the hole. They can't digest it and it will kill them. You can also try using a large amount of rat poison. My favorite though is a .22 rifle. Good luck.

  3. What do they look like?

    This rodent and member of the squirrel family is about the size of a large domestic cat but with shorter legs. It is 16 - 27 inches in length. Weights are from 4 - 14 pounds, being the lightest in the spring when they come out of hibernation, and heaviest in the fall. They have short, powerful legs and a medium-long, bushy and somewhat flattened tail. The long, coarse fur on its back is a grizzled, grayish brown with a yellowish or reddish cast. The feet are dark brown with heavy claws for digging the burrows. 2 to 9 young are born in late March and early May each year.

    Where are they found?

    Woodchucks are found throughout the state of Maryland with their range expanding in the lower eastern shore counties of Dorchester, Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset counties. They prefer to live along the edges where timbered areas are bordered by open fields especially fields used for agriculture. They dig burrows or tunnels underground that they reside in and hibernate in during the winter months. These burrows provide homes for other animals like skunks, foxes, opossums and rabbits.

    What do they eat?

    Groundhogs are herbivores; almost complete vegetarians. They are most often seen sitting on their haunches grazing on grasses, leaves, flowers, clover, alfalfa, wheat, and rye. They like to raid people's gardens and eat farmer's cucumbers and melons. Occasionally, they will climb trees and eat an apple or nut.

    What other kinds of ground mammals live in Maryland?

    The beaver and nutria are about the same size but not in the squirrel family. The Eastern chipmunk is the groundhog's closest relative.

    I didn't know that!

    Woodchucks are also called whistlepigs because, when alarmed, they give a shrill whistle. Should the woodchuck be a weatherman? Folklore says that if a groundhog sees his shadow on February 2 there will be six more weeks of severe, winter weather.

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